I am sure you have read articles "To My Roommate" and "To My Best-Friend" but sometimes your roommate is your best friend. And sometimes they are your soul-mate. I have a theory that people have multiple soul mates. People that come into your life and change it in ways you didn't know you needed it. So here is a note to my roommate, best friend and soul mate.
Dear roomie,
Hi, Ily.
Thanks for always being there.
Thanks for always going to get Mexican food with me even though sometimes you don't want it because I make you eat it 4 times a week.
Thanks for being my doctor when I have a rash and you look at and you tell me its just barbeque sauce on my leg.
You don't judge me when you find weird sauces on my leg that probably came from the couch we love so much.
You are always down to watch reality tv shows that do nothing to stimulate our brains but make us laugh.
You are the funniest person I know. I am lucky because I get to see all the funny stuff that happens at 4 am when no one else will ever get to see.
You respect my nap times at random parts of the day and let me sleep for 4 hours even though I have multiple assignments due.
You get me like no one else. Random outbreaks of dance moves that look so synchronized you would have thought we rehearsed them but we just click. When we met I would have never thought we would be planning our weddings. Thanks for talking about my wedding as if I will actually get married and someone other than you will laugh at my jokes.
You know me better than anyone.
You tell me all your secrets and trust me. It is hard to find someone who you can do anything with but I found you. Most people hate their roommates. Or they just get along. But we thrive.
You do the dishes and that's why God is saving you a spot in Heaven because I hate the dishes.
When I am feeling down, just a hug from you makes my day a little better.
When you text me "hope you have a good day" and I respond at 2 because I just woke up you let it slide.
You don't care that I always lose our streak on snap.
You listen to me talk about boys and set me straight when I need to be told no.
My favorite thing is hearing you laugh from your room and then getting a notification that you sent me a tweet and we can laugh together even though we aren't together.
I could go on forever but I need to save some words for my toast at your wedding one day. You are the most wonderful human. You deserve the world. One time you told me "I don't know what I did in my past life to deserve you" well I feel the exact same way. You are my rock, my pal, my dance partner for life, my weird friend that I always bring to family events, my exercise once every two weeks buddy, my dinner date for life, my roommate, my best friend, my soul-mate.
The girl that sleeps across the hall from you