So let's talk about something uncomfortable. Let's talk about that person you spurned. That person who didn't catch your interest for reasons infinite. Let's not delve into reasons why that person didn't catch your interest (i.e. looks, character, appeal), that doesn't matter. What does matter is that the world is grand, and so by brushing off one of its inhabitants before permitting an actual encounter-exchange you just limitedyour purpose. What do I mean? Well, allow me to explain.
As humans, we naturally categorize the human exchange into one of two categories: the yes's and the no's. Sound familiar? Yes, we categorize people into a binary system. Yes: we do want to develop a relationship with this person. Why? He/She does not make me uncomfortable. The 'No' is simply the converse of the 'Yes'. In the past, this system worked just fine. We could find our mate or allies and distance ourselves from danger, no problem. But now? The lines and boundaries of what was once classification due to necessity of survival has become blurred or altogether removed. Blacks, whites, middle-easterners, easterners, westerners and every beautiful thing in between, are all redefining themselves based on the present. The present calls for a complete reevaluation of the standard paradigms that "seemed" to work in the past. The "us" and the "them" hardly flies by without a call for resistance. Now, how does this play back into the binary and why does it limit us?
Every person who comes in our path has something to teach us about ourselves. Not just the self that earns its keep by learning more about others. No. It is the self that desperately searches for self-identity, and life-purpose. The self that is thirsty to discern what is its passion. Did you know that? That seemingly "weird guy" has a reservoir of ideas, implementations, evolving perspectives that don't stop short at defining him as a potential mate. You must practice not looking at the opposite sex as only pawns made to sacrifice on your way to your King or Queen. Your soulmate is not a person. It can't be. The soul is by definition eternal, thereby the soulmate must too be eternal. People are not eternal. Your passion, your purpose, your deeds will always be existant because you brought it to the world via your existence. Therefore your soulmate is and can only be your passion.
Given the above doctrine, you have no choice but to redefine your life's purpose outside of this Disney binary complex leading to a Mr. or Mrs. Right. Your journey is truly and can only be to define your existence. Why are you here? That is all. That is a hefty quest that requires aid in the form of encounters. Every person you meet carries a bit of the clue that further establishes elements of yourself in their quest to discern who they are. This is a bio-feedback system not unlike that of which nature has created in your body and in the greater world. You are not better than nature. You are a part of it. Theology is not a filter through which the hierarchy of man sits atop. No. It is a tool upon which you can reach out to amplify your purpose outside of yourself. That is all religion is. It is a means to discover and practice vigilantly the concept of eternity. What is eternal? God. Your deeds. Your soul.
So please, hear that person out before you scoff and move blindly past him/her. Otherwise, you just turned a cold-shoulder onto yet another clue that will accelerate and broaden a message that the universe is trying to convey about your true reason for existence. Your purpose.