Over the past few days, maybe even weeks I have gotten a lot of negative from several people. Some of these people know absolutely zero about me. Some of these people actually do know me. However, these people are saying I am either too much of something or not enough of something according to their liking.
Over the past few months I have grown a lot as a person. In this growth, I have had many "friends" leave, relationships with others have failed, and that's okay. They weren't meant to be a part of my story.
I have also gotten closer to other people. These friendships have flourished. These people have never wanted me to apologize for any part of myself. I'm not saying I'm perfect by any means, but you should never be around people who make you feel bad for being you.
I have been called a bitch because I'm opinionated. I have been called loud, and I am. I've been told I'm "too hyper" and "too positive." I have been told that I need to "go with the flow," and to "chill out."
In the past, I have tried to make myself fit these molds that others wanted of me. I was completely miserable. I quit hobbies I used to love. I tried to be quieter. In changing myself, I became depressed. The friendships I had weren't that great. I had a horrible sense of self and it took me a long time to actually find me again.
Now, I don't see anything wrong with my personality. I've recently gotten the mentality that if you find something wrong with me, it's your problem, not mine.
Don't get me wrong, I will completely apologize if I do something wrong, or I'm at fault. I will not however apologize for being myself. It isn't my place to apologize to you because I don't fit your expectations.
This happens a lot in society. People feel the need to change who they are. There is no reason to do any of that. You should always want to celebrate who you are. You should feel happy with your life.
All of these "problems" that people have with me have helped me reach the goals I have met, thus far. They will also help me reach the others I have yet to reach. Yes I'm loud. I'm outgoing. I'm extremely opinionated. I'm very hyper. I'm a positive person. I plan pretty much everything in my life. But, I love my life.
I go to bed happy with my accomplishments. I go to bed excited about the next day. I love everyone close to me. I'm happy, and if you don't like that; it's YOUR problem.