When I was in high school, I was good friends with eight girls. Before high school, we all attended the same elementary and middle school. Basically, we all grew up knowing each other. We had good and bad times, but mostly good.
We saw each at our weakest moments, and always found a way to cheer each other up. Waking up and going to school was so much easier when we had each other to look forward to seeing.
Drama did occur occasionally, but what girls didn't have drama? We were all so different, yet the same. We each brought apart of ourselves out in one another. Our group ranged from shy to the life of the party, we were always entertained regardless.
Today, we barely know each other anymore. We have each gone our separate ways. I know it is apart of life, but it is so weird to think that we used to be so close. Now, I don't even know where you live or who you date.
I am a junior in college and I have made so many new friends, but is it lame for me say that I still miss high school?
Maybe it is not high school that I miss. Maybe it is my friends and the times we shared back then. Let me tell you, those were the simpler days.
Every now and then, we will send each other memories that pop up on Facebook or Snapchat and make conversation just reminiscing.
It is nice to be able to look back at old pictures and just compare the changes that have been made to your life since then. All the things you thought you would never overcome without that certain person, you end up making it through.
At the end of the day, lifelong friends can drift apart. As friends, we will always be just a phone call away no matter how long we go without seeing each other.
I hope my friends know I am grateful for the memories that were made and will always cherish them. I wish you all the best in the future.