As we move through life we face a myriad of trials and tribulations. We can come to times in our lives where it seems there is no light at the end of the tunnel. We get lost in the sea of sadness, doubt, and self-loathing, and we forget that after every storm there is a rainbow. In these times we question our faith and why a loving God would do this to us. Why would he put this obstacle in your life that seems to be unsurpassable at the time? Why would he do this to you, your friends, or your family?
Why would he take this person? We spend so much time dwelling on the negative that we forget that we have so much to be thankful for. We miss the little moments of stillness in life. We focus so much on the storm we miss the sunset.
As you think on these things please know you are not alone. As I sat down to write this article I was thinking about all the homework and tests I have this week. I was thinking about the fact I'm homesick. I was questioning why God would lead me so far from home only to be sad. As I was doing this I starting to count my blessings I have been given. I starting to list things I am grateful for. I felt like this list is something that a lot of people could relate to and it needed to be shared. Maybe you are struggling with why something is happening. I would really recommend trying to sit down and really think about your blessings.
1. I woke up this morning alive and breathing.
2. I have a loving family, who through everything in life is always there.
3. I have the best friends in the world even though they're 400 miles away.
4. I am blessed enough to have a boyfriend who loves me from 500 miles away and supports me unconditionally.
5. I got to see a beautiful sunset on my way back to Tennessee this evening.
6. I am able to go to a college that provides a major in my field of study.
7. I have the best roommate I could ever ask for.
8. I went to bed with food in my stomach.
9. One of my best friends has beaten cancer TWICE!
10. My family is healthy.
11. I'm passing all of my classes! (really praising the Lord for that one)
12. I'm thankful for the pizza and quiet moment I had with my boyfriend this weekend.
13. I am thankful for music and my ability to sing about life.
14. I am thankful for the group of women I get to love god with who challenge me to see God in everyday life.
15. I'm thankful for family friends who love me as family.
16. I am thankful for God's unending love for me even if I am undeserving.
As I typed this list I could think of 1000 more things, but this would be a very long article. I challenge you to take just 5 minutes out of your day to sit down and write a good thing that happened. Even on your worst day, remind yourself there is still good. Remind yourself that through the storm God, your friends, and your family are your umbrella. Try to remember to look for the sunset in the storm, and remember there will soon be a rainbow.