As I was scrolling through my Twitter feed this afternoon (as teenagers often do), I realized that today was apparently National Coming Out Day. Once I saw that, I was just instantly inspired to write this poem. This is actually something that has been on my mind for a while actually. As a Christian, I have observed the prejudice that we have shown against the LGBTQ community. One thing that REALLY makes me angry are the "Christians" that show hatred towards LGBTQ people. They deserve better than what we have given them, and I strongly felt that they deserve an apology. This is my official apology, dedicated to everyone in the LGBTQ community who has everyone received hatred from us.
I am Sorry
That’s all I really have to say
This goes out to everyone who’s ever been insulted for saying the words
“I am gay”
Who’s responsible for this discrimination?
Unfortunately, a lot of it comes from Christianity
We’ve forgotten that despite our differences
We have one thing in common: our Humanity
I’d like to take time to apologize
For our past transgressions
Unfortunately we didn’t realize
That we were ignoring our true mission
We’ve called you “evil” and “unworthy of God’s love”
You know who disagrees with that? The One up Above
He came to this Earth to spread the message of love and redemption
It’s obvious that our viewpoint of love needs to be corrected
When Jesus came to Earth, He taught us to love one another
To love everyone around us like a sister and a brother
That didn’t mean to exclude one group because their views are different
To demonstrate this, let’s look at Jesus’ own situation
He had twelve disciples, but it’s clear to see
That some of them weren’t much different than you or me
People seem to think that all His followers were perfect
But sometimes, you’d wonder if Jesus ever thought if they were even worth it
One of them was Matthew, a cheating tax collector
And then there was Judas Iscariot, who abandoned Jesus as his protector
While the Bible does call homosexuality a sin, so are lying and stealing
Yet Jesus accepted them all, not viewing anyone as unappealing
Yet somehow, that message has been watered down
Lost its strength, long forgotten
To the point where hope of restoring it seems truly rotten
What really aggravates me is when I see the discrimination
That often occurs in our mess of a nation
The hate that’s directed at the people that God loves
The people that He sees as beautiful shining doves
A few months ago, there was the Pulse Night Club shooting
I can’t even imagine the amount of brooding
That must have gone through that man’s warped mind
As he decided to shoot those innocent victims. Multiple times
But you know what gets me the most mad?
What makes my mouth create bile?
The fact that when some so-called “Christians” saw the news
They probably… smiled
But, if you ask me, I don’t believe that this is how it ends
I believe that we can be the ones who end this trend
Of constant hatred and disgust towards God’s people
That’s like putting us on our steeple
And the reality is, we’re not perfect either, but that’s okay
Because God will always love us either way
Our job as Christians is to spread God’s message of love everywhere
That means showing compassion to everyone, however you dare
But until we truly envision this reality
As something that we all can see
I’d like to offer a true, honest, sincere apology for all of Christianity
And say that I’m SORRY