I am a sorority woman and I don't party every weekend.
We all like to have fun. Yes, nights out with your sisters always leave you with the stories you'll look back on and laugh at, maybe even blush a little from embarrassment. But sometimes a girl just needs a Friday night in her pajamas, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, and some quality time spent with her closest pals Ben and Jerry. And sometimes, those Friday nights with your sisters give you even better memories.
I am a sorority woman and I don't pay for friendship.
You always hear that joining a sorority will "instantly give you best friends." And it's true! The day you run home, you are welcomed by the loving arms of all your new best friends. But it's not because they have to be. Because they don't! They are your new best friends because you share a bond that you will never share with someone else. Almost 300 girls from all over the United States, completely different backgrounds, and with sometimes polar opposite interests all share enough in common to find their home in the same house as you. So yes, sorority dues are expensive. The castle with the awesome closets, personal chef, and must have t-shirts aren't cheap. The friendships though, those are priceless.
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I am a sorority woman and I am an Honor's student.
I am not ditsy, I am not dumb, and I don't act like it. I take pride in my good grades and my ability to spend a record amount of hours at the library during finals week. I have sisters that are math majors. I have sisters that are going to med school. I have sisters that are a part of the Honor's college. And I have sisters with a 4.0. We hold each other accountable, and know that ultimately we are students first. And when one succeeds, we are her greatest support system and her biggest cheerleaders.
I am a sorority woman and I don't think I am better than anyone else.
Whether you are my sister, a member of a different chapter, or a not a member at all, I don't think I am better than you. I don't turn my nose up at those that are different than me. If anything, being a part of a sorority taught me to be more accepting of another person's quirks that make them who they are. I'm not a "rich girl who has her parents to pay for everything." I have many sisters that are paying dues completely on their own. I have sisters that are struggling semester to semester to make it work. I am in a sorority and I am just like you.
I am a sorority woman and I am better for it.
When I signed up for recruitment, I thought I was doing it as a way to finally make the friendships I never made in high school, to be involved, to have some fun. I never expected to learn more about myself, and who I wanted to be, in just one semester than I did during all of my eighteen years prior. I never expected to find my home away from home and the place I never knew I had always belonged. I found the most loving, accepting, and hilarious group of women and I am lucky enough to get to call them my sisters! I am in a sorority and it was the best decision I could have ever made.