The time has come. Not to be incarcerated (at least as far as we know,) but to finish… or possibly start… shopping for sorority recruitment. Remember when you were rushing, and you thought, “Wow, all of these girls look perfect and I look like a sweaty mess.” Yeah, well now, YOU are the perfect one talking to the sweaty mess. I thought I would magically turn into one of the perfect girls who rushed me, when in fact, that didn’t happen. I was still a sweaty mess, but I had about 30 more t-shirts give or take. This may come as a surprise but you actually need to put effort into becoming one of those “perfect” girls that rushed you. And by that, you need a shopping list with no end in site. Thus begins the ever so wonderful recruitment shopping. Your recruitment chair has prepped you, shown you slide shows, and has trusted you to go on your own in the world.
I think Piper Chapman summed up recruitment shopping best in the quote, “I love and I f***ing hate you.” Much like Piper, I have too found the love/hate relationship that comes with recruitment shopping. While it is fun, it’s also daunting, and while the deadline for your outfits is coming up, so is season three of OITNB (can you guess which one I’m more excited for?). And the cast has accurately depicted the various stages of recruitment shopping. Enjoy.
Initial thoughts: "YAY! New clothes!... CRAP! I'm going to go broke!"
When your recruitment chair tells you to try new things with your hair and makeup.
Having the slight fear that you might not fit in your clothes by the end of summer because of pizza, but you keep eating it anyways.
When the only thing between you and the last pair of Steve Madden wedges in your size is some random girl.
"Did she say metallics were ok? Well they're cute so I'm assuming they're ok."
"This one is cute but this one is also cute!"
"Cute! All your outfits are approved, see you in August!"- your Recruitment Chair
Don't stress out just yet, you still have time to get your last minute outfits together. And if all else fails, OITNB returns June 12th!