August and September are typically the busiest months for college women in Greek life. It almost seems like every little decision or consideration comes back to the fact that soon we'll be welcoming new sisters. I know Elle Woods would be able to pull together an amazing recruitment, so let's turn to her to see what the month leading up to new sisters is like!
1. Planning decorations and themes
She's not afraid of failing. Delta Nu would have the best themes!
2. Choosing a lipstick to match your recruitment dress
Pink lipstick all the way. For any dress.
3. Needing to get away from the craziness after a long day with your sisters
For Elle, it's chocolates. For me, it'd be pizza.
4. "Are you stressed and overwhelmed?"
Luckily, you have other people to dump your stress on.
5. Getting sassy when picking out your recruitment dress
Nope, not taking it.
6. Listening to other's past recruitment horror stories
It's always good to make sure the awkward doesn't happen again.
7. When people finally get the hang of "bumping"
For those who don't know, "bumping" is a term for transitioning between two sisters when talking to a PNM. Woohoo!
9. The important pep talks over spirit week
Faith in yourself = confidence transferred to your new sisters!
Happy recruitment prep-month, everyone!