Dear Pledge Class,
Where do I ever begin?
From day one, we clicked. We entered our bid day celebration as one, and as our journeys are slowly coming to an end, we're leaving our sorority so much closer than I could have ever imagined.
I came into college not expecting to have any friends, and especially not expecting to join a sorority. Little did I know that in such a short amount of time could we become so close and make friendships that will last a lifetime. That first homecoming week will forever define who we are, the champions we have always been, and the success we can all produce individually but also as a team.
So thank you.
Thank you for always being there for me. From that first day when we put on our letters, we formed a bond that no one will ever be able to recreate or understand. When we made our Baby Xi shirts and talked about how excited we were to get our bigs, I knew we were different from the other pledge classes. We were closer than any of the others, and I'm so thankful to say that, even to this day, four years later, we're closer than we were then.
Thank you for supporting me. We all make decisions, whether good or not, and no matter the decision I've made, you've always supported me. Whether it be that one last shot I didn't need to take and ended up with you holding my hair or it be my deciding to move across the country. I've never felt more support than I have from my PC.
Thank you for holding me up. I'm an obvious emotional mess. Always have been, and probably always will be. No matter how emotional I was or the reason, you never questioned. You never judged. You never made fun of me. Hell, most times we would all be emotional messes, and I always knew that if I needed a shoulder to cry on and a gallon of ice cream to eat out of, I could rely on you to be there for me.
Thank you for being my rock. Friendships come and friendships go. Whether there was a friendship back in college or over here at my internship, I can say with confidence that I will never lose you. You girls are my best friends, and no matter the friendships and relationships that fail and fall apart, I know I can always call you up and you'll be there for me.
We've been through a lot together. We've dealt with little drama, bigs graduating, disciplinary actions that weren't deserved, moving in together, moving out and growing up. Wow, we've grown up a lot. Who would've thought we would all be where we are today?
Megann is graduated with a job that she loves. Adriana is married and looking so amazingly happy. Teresa and Kailey are completing their first semester of pharmacy school, and kicking its ass. Hannah and Kelsey are graduating in December and moving on to bigger and better things. Kristen is killing the health administration game and surviving with her family all the way in Texas. And I'm here, doing this internship and missing you girls more than ever.
No matter where the paths of life take us, I will always think back to those first few months of us growing our bond. To the homecoming events, to new member meets and all the way to initiation; no matter the event, we were always together. I'm so thankful for all of my sisters, but I'm especially thankful for my closest friends.
Love Always,
our Pledge Class Sister - TFJ