Going into a sorority is kind of scary honestly. You wonder if you made the right decision if sorority life is even for you and it feels very overwhelming. For me, I did not know what was going on it felt like a whirlwind, here's a "Bob's Burger's" version of what I felt.
1. Who are these girls?
So, it's bid day and you look around to realize, wow. I don't know anyone.
2. So. Much. Love.
You still don't know anyone but it's okay because everyone is hugging you and making you feel special. It's a little overwhelming though having around 150 girls hug you at the same time and you think "who are these crazy people?"3. I've made a huge mistake
Alright so it seems like a lot of work now and you wonder, why did I even think this is a good idea? Nobody told me how much time this was going to take.
4. Out of nowhere, you find your people
I HAVE A FAMILY THAT'S NOT ACTUALLY MY FAMILY? Before you know it you have a big, a G-Big, a GG-Big and a whole network of women who love and support you unconditionally.
5. It's all worth it
Being apart of a sorority is a time commitment but it turns out to be one of the best decisions you've made in college so far. Each and every woman in my sorority inspires me to become a better version of myself. Right now I'm just a freshman but so far my sisters have made me become a better person already and even though its scary in the beginning, it turns out to be truly rewarding.