When coming to school, a sorority, a fraternity, any greek life for that matter was not even on my radar. I was concerned with what I knew I was doing-- my major and what other activities I could be involved in. I knew I intended to be in the band, the honors program, and hoped to join a club or two. What I didn't realize is that I would soon be looking into sororities. During the activities fair, I glanced about and came upon a few sororities. Some seemed very overwhelming to me, especially since rush week was during the only weekend I had off from band to see my family. I did, however, come upon a much simpler sorority called Gamma Sigma Sigma, which is a service sorority. Who knew there was even a thing?
While talking with them, I learned that this wasn't a place for mixers and hazing, but a place of service, friendship, and equality. Boys could even join this one! I'm not saying that social sororities don't have these things, but I found my home with Gamma Sigma Sigma.
The sorority offers tremendous amounts of service opportunities and social opportunities to just hangout with the other members. When learning more about the sorority, I roasted marshmallows, relaxed in their suite, and even had lunch with the sisters. There was no feeling of inferiority as I was learning and was a member-in-training. Everyone was so welcoming and open to us upcoming members.
Gamma Sigma Sigma has exceeded all of my expectations, and I could not be any happier with where I am. All of my sisters are phenomenal, and if you have the chance, try a service sorority out. If it's not for you, you don't have to actually do it. It's worth a shot, I promise