Everyone just assumes that sorority families aren't really that important but they are. They are your support system through the good and bad times as well as your closest confidants. When life isn't going exactly the way I plan, I look to my big for the love, guidance and support that I need. I look at my little for the sunshine that she brings and I hope that I am able to be there for her the way my big is for me.
One of the hardest decisions a new member of any sorority or fraternity will make is who they want for their big. It can be really hard especially if you liked a lot of the people you talked to prior. It's a hard decision but it's honestly more about who you think will be that mentor you need but will also still be your friend as well.
I'm going to be one hundred percent honest by saying two years ago I picked wrong. I picked someone that wasn't for me and wasn't the mentor that I needed. She might have been the friend at first but when I needed her, she wasn't there. No, I don't hate her. I just didn't pick the right person and that's okay.
The person who I now call my Big is the person who has been there for me throughout everything. Both the good and the bad. She never fails to make me smile when I'm sad, pick up the phone when I need her and just be the big that I need.
I hope to be that for my little as time goes on. I hope to be that mentor and friend not only with our sorority but just with life in general.