I've recently started my sophomore year of college, and I've noticed some huge differences between how life looked for me last year, as a freshman, and how life looks this year.
Check out some of the ways my sophomore year has been different from my freshman year, and comment to share how you've grown since you started college!
1. Move-In Day Isn't a Rollercoaster of Emotions
Freshman year move-in day is full of excitement, stress, hope, and sadness, all jumbled around at different times of the day. Sophomore year you just show up, excited to see your friends and set up your dorm room. There's basically no stress and while you'll be sad when your parents actually leave, it doesn't even compare to how you felt last year.
2. You're Not Dying to Go Home
Freshman year you're dying to get home after the first few weeks. Sophomore year you're surprised when people head home for the weekend, because it's not something that you're really yearning for. Sure, you could go home and it would be great to see your family, but you don't feel like you have to anymore because you're comfortable where you are. But if you can, try and go home a few times before Christmas, it'll make your mom happy.
3. You're (Mostly) Over Impressing People
Freshman year you're meeting everyone for the first time and you want them to really like you so you consistently put your best foot forward. Sophomore year you already know everybody, and they know you well enough to know that you don't wear makeup or dress super nicely everyday (or even most days) - so really, what's the point in pretending?
4. Classes Are More Exciting
Freshman year you take lots of general education courses. And those classes are important but let's be real, who, outside of a math major, is going to get excited about taking an Algebra class? No one. But sophomore year you take more classes related to your major/minors, and it's sweet learning things you're going to use someday.
5. You Leave Your Room Less
Freshman year you show up without really knowing any of your roommates, and lots of times your closest friends don't live with you so you don't hang out in your dorm all the time. Sophomore year you get to pick your roommates, and most of the time you live with your best friends so suddenly hanging out in your room is more entertaining than sitting in some public lounge or going to someone else's room. Let's be real, if you can hang out with your best friends without leaving the comfort of your bed, you're gonna take advantage of it.