You learn a lot your sophomore year. You’ve finally blossomed from the oh-so redundant ‘freshie’ level, and you definitely deserve it. What better way to illustrate these attainments than with Fleetwood Mac’s own Stevie Nicks? Because…
You’ve probably lost/cut ties with friends from your first year.
Whether it’s an ex-whatever, friend, and in some cases family: you’ve learned that not everyone is here to stay. Some people truly only love you when it’s beneficial to them, or when they’re “playing” their own motives. However, by now you’ve learned that those who don’t stay, were never meant to. Throw your shawl on, and sashay away from the haters.
Giving up the meal plan and actually paying for your food.
While this may not apply to all of us, the majority are feeling the pain. It’s so convenient to go to dining halls at 10:30 and get whatever your precious heart desired. Sadly, those days are gone. You have resorted to making a grocery list and grabbing just what you need from your local discount grocery. Oh how you long for the coveted guest passes…
Inclement weather = class is cancelled.
This speaks for itself. Raining? Yawn, back to sleep. 89 degrees out? No thanks, my fan will keep me company. Clear skies? Ew, people. Channel your inner hermit and listen to any Fleetwood Mac song while sipping some warm tea. What’s one missed rainy day?
Speaking of class: naturally you’ve had your mid-semester breakdown already.
But it’s okay. You just count down the days until your next break.
You’ve affirmed your love with your “person”/met your best-friend.
They most likely have been with you since freshman year. They held your hair when you drank too much. Took your phone so you didn’t call anyone (Lord knows you thanked them for that). Most importantly, they taught you how a true friendship survives college: one of the most stressful times of your life. That lesson in itself is priceless.
For most of us, our sophomore years are not over. We still have a lot to learn. There’s going to more breakdowns, betrayals, longing (for meal plans mostly). However, anytime you feel down just remember one thing Stevie instilled in all of us: you can go your own way.