Going into my sophomore year, I thought the sophomore slump was just a myth told by angsty college students. However, as this semester is coming to a close, the sophomore slump has become all too real for me. If you're like me and have no energy to do anything college related anymore, here are some things you might be feeling.
When you have no desire to get out of bed in the morning:
No, I don't want to go to class. I just want to lay here forever and do absolutely nothing.
When you have to decide a major by the end of this year:
I am only 20 years old. How the heck am I supposed to have my life figured out?
When you realize you've completed two decades of your life this year:
When you study way more than you ever did freshman year and are still not making as good of grades:
I thought I was supposedly getting smarter?
When you are so done with every part of school work:
If I have to do a group project one more time...
When you have no desire to be social, ever:
No, I don't want to go out tonight or any other night. Watching Netflix is way better than hanging out with a bunch of freshman at a mediocre frat party.
When you finally declare your major, but can't get into any major classes for the next semester:
"This is what you get for choosing a small liberal arts school."
When finals come around and you have to make up for slumping all through the semester:
I'm freaking out just a little bit.
But we're all in this together and I promise we can bounce back next semester:
I see the light at the end of the tunnel, just remember: "You is kind. You is smart. You is important."
(Also maybe try to be a little more Leslie Knope and a lot less April Ludgate.)