The second year of college brings a lot of great things for all students, not just the ones at Colgate. You have learned study skills that work best for you, you have an idea of which courses for you are most interesting, and you have realized you can’t wake up before noon, thus an 8 AM probably won’t be best. You think you are so clever for not taking a class on Friday so you can enjoy a fun night out at The Jug without the worry of class the next day. I will say that it is true: Freshman year taught us a lot about ourselves; we made mistakes, had some fun, and at the end of the day, we are who we are now because of all that happened.
I must say, though, the second year of college can be very tough for most students. There are pressures to get internships, to date, to “figure everything out.” I have something to say that will hopefully make you rethink everything: Our minds are beautiful things, but they really do a good job at playing up our insecurities and turning lies into truths. These ideas about what must happen have been created in your mind. They aren’t real! So for those sophomores feeling alone and feeling stressed out, I would like to recommend a few things that may help with this sophomore slump, and encourage you to think positively about your future because you all have the potential to have an amazing one!
13 Tips For Sophomores at Colgate and Beyond
1. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture
Realize you are not alone, there are many others experiencing the same feelings you are. You would be surprised to know how many others would be happy to share these thoughts and how relieved you will feel once expressing them.
2. Find inspiration
Follow someone (a celebrity, political figure, anyone) on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter that you feel inspires you and makes you think positive. Just seeing one inspirational quote a day can change your mood and outlook.
3. Find your person
Find one person, you only need one, that you feel you can confide in and share your insecurities and fears with. Hearing those things out loud might make you realize how untrue they really are!
4. Take initiative
Meet with a career advisor to talk about your ambitions and goals. It is just a phone call away to make an appointment! And they want to help you!
5. Get moving!
Do something active at least a few times a week. It relieves stress and negativity.
6. Make schedules and lists
Especially for anxious people, making a schedule for each day can be good. It gives you structure and makes you feel in control.
7. Prepare yourself for the unexpected
Things change all the time, so be flexible in your thinking, and know that everything happens for a reason.
8. Go “on vacation”
This does not mean you need to actually leave your campus, but treat yourself to something unique. If that means going into town for a nice dinner with friends, getting your nails done, or watching a few episodes of a new show, then do it! Everyone needs time to breathe.
9. Stay on top of class reading
Once you get behind, you will continue the streak (trust me, I know). By keeping on top of your work, you will have fewer things to worry about.
10. Get rid of haters
Rid yourself of negative people from your life. This may be hard, but to reach your full potential, you cannot have others pulling you down. Do yourself a favor.
11. Surround yourself with good people
Everyone has their own definition of what this means, but at the end of the day, someone good for you will want not only them to succeed, but you to succeed as well.
12. Be kind to others
Everyone experiences a different level of satisfaction with helping people, but most can relate to feeling better and more confident with themselves when they encourage others, instead of bringing them down.
13. Take care of yourself, foremost
You are your longest commitment. So no matter what your parents want of you, what your friends want of you, what your dog wants of you, you must take care of yourself first. This means following your dreams and aspirations and doing things for yourself. Many people will come and go, but you always have to live with yourself. You might as well like who you are, and believe that who you are is good enough and will achieve great things because you can, and you will.