Soon there will be no children. Only miniature adults turning into actual adults. There will be no creative minds. No search for wonder. No fearless choices made by impulsive thinking. Little girls wear the same makeup as mommy as soon as they can walk, and boys can be found in the gym at eight-years-old. Schools push for children to learn more and at younger ages. Parents want their children to learn at as fast a pace as others and push them to "do their best."
Each generation is running out of children. It's running out of imagination, playtime, and fun. It's running out little minds with a of lack of concern for the crazy world around them. Extra time when children can run around, play, and laugh has turned into a mini-replication of the adult world. Sometimes children are even busier than adults.
We push for this "advancement" in childhood because we believe it will make the next generations more prepared and educated. Yet maybe what we really need is more children. The imagination involved in childhood is something the "adult" world could actually use. People need more absurd and outgoing ideas. Children have no boundaries. They are filled with whatever their minds can create and they have no limits. While this may seem silly in some aspects it holds value to when these children do become adults; because now they can have imagination involved with their every day work. We push and push to have generations become more well-rounded and prepared for life when children are already living life to the fullest.
Children love and laugh. They see the beauty in things that adults no longer can and everything is of curiously to them. Children see no religion, no color, no gender, and no differences between people. They give fill trust not because someone has convinced them of their love but because they have showed them. In a lot of way children are better than adults. They live their lives in a simplistic way, and yet schools, parents, and society is constantly pushing them to be "better". Be better at what? Be better at math, science, reading, or writing; and what do any of those things mean if you don't care about the ones you love or be good to strangers?
Society needs more children. Maybe not the crying, kicking and screaming; but the love, the purity, and the imagination. Children constantly step over the boundary of reality and something more. A world filled with impossible ideas and limitless boundaries. Let children be children, and maybe even let adults be children. Because o be an adult in a child's mindset is a life made beautiful.