Well, Sonic Forces (a.k.a. Project Sonic 2017) is happening, and it's coming out in Late 2017, or around Thanksgiving/Christmas to be exact...somewhat. The one question that's "moving around at the speed of sound", however, is this third playable character & gameplay style that's yet to be confirmed. No one knows who the character is and what kind of gameplay will it bring to this project with Classic Sonic (2D Stages) and Modern Sonic (3D stages... with some 2D action [hopefully it will all be 3D this time]), but everyone, everywhere is expressing their opinions on what they want to see. Because of that, I thought to myself, "Might as well share what my expectations are... Even though these may not happen because Sega & Sonic Team always tries to bring in something completely new". Anyways, here's what I want to see in Sonic Forces (in terms of the third gameplay style).
1) Dreamcast Sonic (Mainly... Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic)
I can just hear all Sonic fans, even without OCD, right now... "But Dreamcast Sonic is technically Modern Sonic! You don't understand, Robert!! Besides the Soap Shoes, they're not different from each other!!!" Yeah, I can sorta get that, but you got to dig deeper and think it through!
Right now, there's only Classic Sonic, Modern Sonic, and Boom Sonic. Nothing else! However, you got to remember that Classic Sonic wasn't even a thing until 2011 whenSonic Generations came into out lives. Before that, we were just calling him... "Sonic the Hedgehog". Just because there wasn't such thing as a "Classic Sonic" until 2011 doesn't mean that his concept didn't exist at all. It still lives on today before there even was a Classic Sonic! Then, Boom Sonic just comes out of nowhere in 2014.
Also, you got to remember some of the things that Sega & Sonic Team brought back from past Sonic games! Remember when they brought back Shadow the Hedgehog for Sonic Heroes and onward because the fans want to see more of what he's capable of, and the fact that they just love the character? Remember how they erased Sonic '06's story from canon, but then the Crisis City stage was brought back in Sonic Generations (in which they made it look more playable by the way)?! Remember how Big the Cat hasn't been playable after Sonic Heroes (with the exception of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing), but they bring him back in small cameos (like in Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic & The Secret Rings)?!?!
The point that I'm trying to make is... Stop treating the Sonic canon like it's the Bible. The Bible can never change, but the Sonic canon can. This has nothing to do with the slight, different visuals between the Sonics that we've been seeing since 1999. I'm talking about the gameplay and nothing more.
Sonic Adventure 2 was not only my first 3D Sonic Game, but also the first Sonic game I have ever played! To this day, I still play it, and it holds a huge place in my heart! So yeah, I'm probably going to mention it a lot here!!! Anyways, I would really love to see this Sonic back in action once more, and maybe Ryan Drummond or Jason Griffith would be his voice actor... I love both voice actors equally, okay?!?!
One more thing... What does this...
...have in common with this?!
Think about it, and then we'll talk!!!
2) Shadow The Hedgehog
When Sonic Forces was officially confirmed, it was stated that characters such as Tails, Knuckles, and Amy will be in the game, but will not be playable characters. Instead, they'll be communicating with both Sonics through some sort of radio connection. There's going to be more characters in the game, but because they're Sonic's friends they won't be playable either. So, maybe they'll consider someone else to be playable. Someone who isn't a friend of Sonic, and maybe is considered as an "anti-hero" (*Wink* *Wink*). In the end, I think Shadow the Hedgehog will be the prefect character to play in this game. This character has been pretty much put aside to Sonic's friends since day one, and he can give more of this dark atmosphere that Sonic Forces already has (for now). I wouldn't be surprise, and I will love to see Shadow making a full return. I mean... he's still a fan favorite, for crying out loud!!! It makes zero sense that Sega & Sonic Team has completely outcast him from the series.
In terms of gameplay for Sonic Forces, Shadow can have the same, fast-paced gameplay that Sonic has, but it should be similar to Shadow's gameplay style from Sonic Adventure 2 (for the sake of having a different style from Modern Sonic).
If Sega & Sonic Team wants to add the boost formula from Sonic Generations (which can happen because of Sonic Generations on PC [which results in hacks and mods, like the video below]), they can do that as long as Shadow's levels can be more open with multiple pathways (like in Sonic Adventure 2).
Also, if they want to add guns and Shadow's motorcycle from Shadow the Hedgehog, that will be even more epic!!
If Shadow is going to get a story in this game, I would love to see him teaming up with Dr. Eggman, and then he would join forces with Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic in the end. There's a lot of possibilities if Sega gives Shadow another chance!
3) Silver The Hedgehog (Done Right)
Look, we all know how Silver's gameplay went down in Sonic '06. However, the reason why it became like that is because Sega & Sonic Team didn't have a good time frame to make the gameplay right. They had a strict date, and the fans were all screaming like banshees for wanting the game ASAP. I mean, compare the opening cutscene from his storyline to the actual gameplay he had in that game.
See what I mean?
Now, it's been ten years since the release of Sonic '06, and Sega has shown some improvement. Imagine if they want to bring Silver back... I know they can fix the mistakes they have made. If they can make his gameplay like the video below (from Sonic World [but without Blaze the Cat]), he would make a great character for Sonic Forces. By the way, he's "somewhat" of an anti-hero when it comes to Sonic.
4) Dr. Eggman
One of Dr. Eggman's most famous creations, and he should really make a comeback here (in terms of gameplay)! The thought of Metal Sonic sounds promising, but I would really love to see Neo Metal Sonic again more than ever. Because of Sonic Heroes, I love Neo Metal Sonic because he has all the power from collecting data on all of Sonic's friends, he's just as superior as Sonic, he looks more badass than his normal look, and HE CAN ACTUALLY TALK (and I love Ryan Drummond's take on Neo Metal Sonic)!!! In terms of gameplay... Ehh, I'm all out of ideas at this point, so maybe something like this.
At the end of the day, however, the third gameplay style is Sega and Sonic Team's choice to make. But one thing is for sure...Boon Sonic will not be in the Sonic Forces at all. THANK GOD!!!! Sega and Sonic's team could be one of things I have mentioned, or it could be something entirely different. I'm open to anything, so I'm pretty excited to find out what it will be... while keeping my fingers crossed, of course. Well, one thing is for sure... Boom Sonic will not be in Sonic Forces. THANK GOD!!!