1.) 30,000ft – Ben Rector
Okay, so this first song is all about getting caught up in everyday life and forgetting how truly blessed we actually are. It’s very easy to be consumed and overwhelmed by the tasks of today and often times we let the smallest of inconveniences and the hardest of times, permanently get us down. This song touches on the idea that sometimes we just need to take a step back and see our lives from a new perspective to fully grasp the work God is doing.
2.) I Lived – One Republic
Next, is a song that talks about getting everything you possible can out of life, experiencing life to the fullest. This includes going through hard times, but also celebrating in the best moments life has to offer. When we reach the end of our lives, all we can hope is that we have made the best out of what we were given and lived our lives to the fullest.
3.) Sailboat –Ben Rector
With this song Ben has an amazing way of saying what we have all struggled with at one point or another. Doubt. Doubting ourselves, doubting God, or just simply doubting if God even hears us when we call out to him. We all go through hard times, whether internal or circumstantial struggles, and we all search for some relief. This song has helped me through some of these times and hopefully will do the same for you.
4.) Called Me Higher –All Sons and Daughters
This song speaks about seeking God and His plan for us, rather than sitting idly in our salvation. Sometimes God calls to maybe feel a little uncomfortable in order to grow as Christ followers, but it is up to us to accept His will and act on it. This is a song that inspires me to be a better friend, daughter, and Christian every time I hear it.
5.) After The Storm- Mumford & Sons
The message of “After The Storm,” provides a reminder that ultimately, hard times do not last. Personally, I find religious meaning in the lyrics of this song. One day we will all be relieved of the brokenness of this world when we enter in to heaven. There, we will finally know the meaning of perfect love.
6.) The Men That Drive Me Places—Ben Rector
Now I know that this is the third time Ben Rector has made it on this list, but he’s just THAT good. Here, he writes about the people society easily overlooks and labels as “unimportant”. This song is a good reminder that we are all human beings born into circumstances that we could not choose, but were assigned to us by God. In this song Ben shines a light on the struggles that some people face, but that most of us will never know or experience firsthand.