It goes without saying that the results of the presidential election have changed our country dramatically. We are more divided than ever. The general feeling reminds me of a traumatic event, similar to a natural disaster or an attack. It’s the only thing we can focus on or talk about amongst friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers. It’s something I personally did not expect to happen, which makes it all the more difficult to accept.
People are choosing all different ways to handle their emotions. It’s pretty fair to say that democratic voters are not giving up on what they believe in, which is all the more encouraging. Protesters are taking to the streets, letting it be known that Trump is, “not my president.” We are not going to sit still while hatred and bigotry take over. However, it’s hard to stay positive when almost half the country disagrees with that mindset. And at the end of the day, Donald Trump will become our next President of the United States. So, it is easy to slip into unsettling thoughts. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and we are grieving for her and what she stood for, along with everyone who no longer feels represented and welcome in this country.
Music had always been a source of comfort. It can reduce stress. It can allow you to keep going. The list goes on. A good song can distract you and transport you to another place entirely. It is a very powerful art form. Music has been my coping mechanism for these difficult times, as I’m sure it’s been for many people.
I’ve decided to compile a playlist of songs. These songs are purely fun and happy. They are empowering and uplifting. They remind us not to give up and that we are responsible for our freedom and rights as a nation. They remind us that we are not alone and we can always turn to our musical friends for companionship. The media is currently filled with ominous headlines and frightening coverage of the current state of our country. It’s easy to get wrapped up in it all and forget all the good things we still have to live for. Music will be there for you. No matter what.
We will get through these trying times, because we have to. We will continue to fight for what we know to be right. I encourage everyone out there to make a similar playlist. It’s something that will always be there for you.
You can listen to the playlist I've compiled on Spotify by clicking here, or listening below.