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10 Upbeat Songs That Are Sure To Spice Up Your Summer Playlist

Let's start of the summer with the perfect songs and the perfect vibe!

Pexels / Bruce Mars

The summer of 2019 is finally here, and many of us want to make the perfect playlist to dance to and feel the summer energy. So this is a compiled of songs that are going to set the mood for a great summer!

"COOL" - Jonas Brothers

The Jonas Brothers came back this year strong with brand new songs and an album. Their song COOL is the perfect summer song to add to your playlist. Click to see it on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.

"Wow" - Post MaloneĀ 

"Wow" is a pretty popular song to listen to anywhere like in the car, to dance, etc. Fun fact "Wow." peaked at number two on the US Billboard Top 100 so if you haven't go give it a listen. Click to see it on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.

"Animal" - Neon Trees

"Animal" is a very upbeat song for the perfect summer afternoon. Although the song is pretty old and was released in 2010, it is still a fantastic song to dance to and set the mood for summer. Click to see it on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.

"Parachute" Ā - NSTASIA

"Parachute" by NSTASIA featuring Skrillex is a mellow but still upbeat song to add to your summer playlist. This song is a part of the NEW RELIGION album by NSTASIA which you should also give a listen. It is sure to set the chill vibe on a sunny day. Click to see it on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.

"Jackie Chan" - Tiesto, Dzeko, Post MaloneĀ 

No, not the actor, but the song "Jackie Chan" is an great song released in 2017. "Jackie Chan" is a popular song that can be found on every playlist and perfect for all the summer parties. Click to see it on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.

"Position To Win" - Migos

Another hit by Migos is "Position To Win", which is a hip hop/rap song that is definite to get you to get up and dancing in no time. Click to see it on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.

"Midsummer Madness" - 88rising joji rich brian higher brothersĀ 

"Midsummer Madness" is the song to play when you are on a road trip or going on beach day. The song has the ideal summer vibes that is sure to change up your summer playlist for the better. Click to see it on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.

"Cheerleader" - Felix Jaehn Remix Ā 

"Cheerleader" is a big throwback song that is still sure to get you moving when you listen to it. We all need a throwback song in every playlist so why not add this one. Click to see it on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.

"On & On" - Cartoon, Daniel Levi

"On & On" is the song to play when setting the mood for the perfect summer days. It is an upbeat song by Cartoon that is sure to make your summer playlist the one everyone listens to. Click to see it on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.

P.S.: This song is also really amazing to use for your summer videos, like travel vlogs.

"Boy With Luv" - BTS, HalseyĀ 

This song is for my one friend who is very obsessed with BTS and for all of you looking for a great summer song. I don't usually listen to BTS, but "Boy With Luv" is the perfect combination of upbeat and ready to make you get up and dance. Click to see it on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.

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