I really enjoy working out, but I am not the best at it. I'm not in the best shape and I'm a lazy person in general, so I will tend to give in to that lazy voice inside my head that will tell me that I need to take a walking break, that I don't need to do that extra rep, or that I can skip my ab circuit. A good playlist is the one thing I found that can distract that voice and keep my pumped up and motivated throughout my entire workout (even through the commercials that I get for not having Spotify premium). I would usually use pre-made workout radios or playlists on Spotify, but eventually I got sick of those and made my own. Without further ado here are 26 songs on my workout playlist that get me through my workouts in hopes of inspiring some songs for yours.
EntertainmentJul 04, 2016
26 Songs On My Workout Playlist
Because a playlist is just as essential as Nikes.