11. "Last Hope" - Paramore | The Odyssey Online
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20 Songs to Heal you When You're at Rock Bottom

"And things aren't always okay. But even from rock bottom I can still see the sky, I can still see the stars" - Michelle K

20 Songs to Heal you When You're at Rock Bottom
Alexis Karr

In This Article:

Rock bottom is a place many of us know all too well, and a language only spoken by those who have found themselves with nothing. I spent the last year becoming fluent in this language until I ultimately came to an all time low when I looked around and realized that I had lost everything which made me human. And there I was, no friends, no family, no home, no activities to do--I was just barely existing.

So I turned to what made the most sense at the time: music. I've always found that blasting good, meaningful music in my ears while walking around the neighborhood where I grew up can make any situation at least a little bit better. And it did.

I hope this playlist can help you through your own rock bottom.

1. "N.M.S.S." - Elvis Depressedly

Lyric Highlight:

No more sad songs
I owe the world nothing
I've been strung along too long to really care

Someday never came so I keep waiting
I will go to sleep still believing

2. "In My Blood" - Shawn Mendes

Lyric Highlight:

Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood

3. "Mad" - Solange

Lyric Highlight:

You have the right to be mad

But when you carry it alone you find it only getting in the way

4. "Drew Barrymore" - Sza

While "Drew Barrymore" is specifically about a relationship, its lyrics are versatile enough to be applied to almost any situation.

Lyric Highlight:

I get so lonely, I forget what I'm worth
We get so lonely, we pretend that this works
I'm so ashamed of myself think I need therapy

5. "Vincent" - Don Mclean

Sometimes it helps just to know you're not alone. When I heard this song for the first time this year, I started spending hours upon hours learning about Vincent Van Gogh's work and life, which has changed the way I view myself and the world. Once I was able to relate to Van Gogh on such a personal level after learning so much about him, "Vincent" became my soundtrack of resilience.

Lyric Highlight:

And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night.
You took your life as lovers often do;
But I could have told you, Vincent
This world was never meant for one
As beautiful as you.

6. "My Kind of Love" - Emeli Sandé

Lyric Highlight:

'Cause when you given up
When no matter what you do, it's never good enough
When you never thought that it could ever get this tough
That's when you feel my kind of love

7. "Cranes in the Sky" - Solange

Yes, it is necessary to feature Solange twice on this list. Her 2016 album, "A Seat At The Table" is just that good and important.

Lyric Highlight:

I tried to let go my lover
Thought if I was alone then maybe I could recover
To write it away or cry it away (don't you cry baby)

8. "Yesterday Was Hard On All Of Us" - Fink

Lyric Highlight:

From cradle to grave, from ashes to ashes
From dust to dust

Because, because our paths they cross
Yesterday was hard on all of us

9. "Remember The Music" - Empire Cast (ft. Jennifer Hudson)

In the context of the show, this song was sung to Andre who was pursuing music therapy for bipolar disorder. Jennifer Hudson's raw vocals combined with the touching dialogue in the lyrics makes this song a tear-jerker in the best way.

Lyric Highlight:

You live and you learn
Even when you think that times get hard
It's temporary hard
All you gotta do is make that call
I'll be there, Don't be scared

You don't have to lose it
Remember the music

10. "Learn To Let Go" - Kesha

Kesha is one of the strongest people on the planet, and her 2017 comeback album "Rainbow" proves that. This song is just one of many on that album that talks about redeeming your power.

Lyric Highlight:

I think it's time to practice what I preach
Exorcise the demons inside me
Whoa, gotta learn to let it go
The past can't haunt me if I don't let it
Live and learn and never forget it
Whoa, gotta learn to let it go

11. "Last Hope" - Paramore

Lyric Highlight:

It's not that I don't feel the pain it's just I'm not afraid of hurting anymore
And the blood of these veins isn't pumping any less than it ever has
And that's the hope I have the only thing I know that's keeping me alive

12. "Human" - Christina Perri

Lyric Highlight:

I can take so much
Until I've had enough
'Cause I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down

13. "Be As You Are" - Mike Posner

Lyric Highlight:

There are moments when you fall to the ground
But you are stronger than you feel you are now
You don't always have to speak so loud, no
Just be as you are

14. "Godspeed" - Frank Ocean

The night that Frank Ocean released "Blonde", I dropped everything and went on an hour long walk to listen to the whole album. "Godspeed" left me crying on the curb because Frank Ocean has a way of making you feel seen and loved with every line of the song.

Lyric Highlight:

Wishing you Godspeed, glory
There will be mountains you won't move
Still I'll always be there for you
How I do

15. "Alive" - Sia

Lyric Highlight:

I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go
Where the wind don't change
And nothing in the ground can ever grow
No hope, just lies
And you're taught to cry into your pillow
But I survived

16. "Pool" - Derek Pope

Lyric Highlight:

And when you told me I was crazy I believed you
But look what I did
I found how to live

17. "I Wanna Get Better" - Bleachers

Lyric Highlight:

I didn't know I was lonely 'til I saw your face
I wanna get better, better, better, better,
I wanna get better
I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change
I wanna get better, better, better, better,
I wanna get better

18. "Open Your Eyes" - Victory

Lyric Highlight:

So darling, won't you open your eyes
How can you be so blind to the beauty of life
It's everywhere so won't you dare
To open your eyes

19. "Silence" - Marshmello

Lyric Highlight:

I found peace in your violence
Can't tell me there's no point in trying
I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long

20. "To See You Alive" - Flatsound

Lyric Highlight:

What a beautiful sight
to see you alive

After listening to these twenty songs, hopefully your rock bottom doesn't feel so low anymore. Or if different styles of music are more your jam, you'll be inspired to create your own playlist to help you through hard times. Music is a great way to soothe yourself, connect to others, and escape the world. This list is just what works for me, but feel free to add your favorite songs as you see fit!

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