The 12 Months Of My 2018 Told In Songs | The Odyssey Online
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The 12 Months Of My 2018 Told In Songs

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The 12 Months Of My 2018 Told In Songs

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Music has and will always be one of the most important aspects of my life.

Throughout 2018, I have experienced and learned more than I could ever imagine. Even when my friends couldn't always be around, I always had music to carry me on and be there when I needed it most.

I feel blessed to live the life I live and to be able to hear the songs the fill me up to a point of breathtaking awe.

During 2018, I looked everywhere to find myself, and what I found continues to change through my music taste, and my yearning for knowledge and adventure everywhere I look.

What I want for 2019 isn't a better year, I just want a different year. A year of new experiences, new aspirations, and if we're being cheesy, a "new year, new me". But, before change can happen, you must look back and learn from the past, so please enjoy a review of my 2018 in songs.

1. January, 2018: "Kiss This" by The Struts

January is always epic. It's the start of a new year, and the air buzzes with the excitement of self-improvement and newfound goals. I love this feeling because everyone is typically happy, or at least hopeful. Kiss This sums up my January because the song is just so hype and that was such a mood at the time. Not relevant, but I ended up seeing them in concert in July when they opened for my favs the Foo Fighters (and it was ahhhhmazing, love them all).

Fav Lyric:

Did all I could,
So kiss this one more time, 'cause I'm gone for good"

2. February, 2018: "Cop vs. Phone Girl" by Third Eye Blind

In general, this song is pretty depressing when you know the context and listen to how the story goes throughout the lyrics. But this was another month where there just seemed to be a rush of everything exciting happening at once. So I liked how this song was catchy and upbeat, but also had a deeper side. I first heard this song at a Third Eye Blind concert with Sam and her family and it produces nice memories and makes me think of all of my friends.

Fav Lyric:

"And if the cops roll by
Throw a peace sign
Say hey baby have a good night"

3. March, 2018: "Stir Fry" by Migos

Okay, this song is fire. I love everything about it and it was my jam for a while. My brother Andrew would play it as we jammed and danced around his room. We listened to it all throughout the month, and I distinctly remember screaming it on the top of my lungs with my cruise friends late March.

Fav Lyric:

"I'm just tryna get it, I ain't tryna die"

4. April, 2018: "Every Little Thing" by Russel Dickerson

This is definitely one of my most played songs this year. I discovered Russel Dickerson early April, and nonstop listened to literally every song he ever wrote and became infatuated with his music. My best memory with this song is screeching (my version of singing) to the radio as I whipped down the highway with my best friends. It's sad to look back on this time, because, just like the song, I was extremely happy during this time period. But, overall it's nice to see how a song can so perfectly reflect me.

Fav Lyric:

"My baby, she's Alabama
My dixie land delight
She's everybody's dream girl but she's all mine"

5. May, 2018: "Nice For What" by Drake

This is the first song of Drake's I liked. I was a Drake hater for a time because I thought all his music was mopey and in his feels. But then this banger erupted into the music scene and I bowed down to his musical magic. Picture me, breaking it down on the dance floor, drenched in sweat, and dabbing to Gods. Sorry for that horrific visual, but that was May y'all.

Fav Lyric:

"Doin' overtime for the last month
Saturday, call the girls, get 'em gassed up"

6. June, 2018: "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" by The Backstreet Boys

June was a wild and difficult month. Changes happened left and right. As a result, this is not something I would typically listen to, but I saw Backstreet boys and had to give it a shot. Ironically, I absolutely despised this song at first because I thought it was too electronic and weird. Radios kept playing it, I kept hearing it, and the rest was history. I thought it was cheesy and relatable, and grew to love the old schoolboy band vibes in a modern setting. Also, this music video cracks me up OMG love it.

Fav Lyric:

"I'm not that kind of person
Who can fall in and out of love with you
That's not what love's supposed to do"

7. July, 2018: "&run" by Sir Sly

Interesting month, interesting song.

Fav Lyric:

"Heavy as the setting sun
Oh, I'm counting all the numbers between zero and one
Happy, but a little lost
Well, I don't know what I don't know so I'll kick my shoes off and run"

8. August, 2018: "Life Changes" by Thomas Rhett

AHHHHHH. The accuracy, This song reminds me so much of the end of high school and beginning college, and how everything just happened. My friend Kaylee loves this song too; and it's nice to know, that even though we go to college 762 miles away from each other, we can both jam out to our main man Thomas.

Fav Lyric:

"You wake up, ain't nothing the same and life changes
You can't stop it, just hop on the train and
You never know what's gonna happen
You make your plans and you hear God laughing"

9. September, 2018: "I Want Us" by The Roads Below

A classic soothing bop for my restless homesick soul in a big city. This song is so pure and makes me happy when things aren't perfect. For some reason it reminds me of tennis therapy from 90210 when the character Teddy hits tennis balls off the roof to release stress. Since I'm guessing that may be illegal in real life, this song works in place of that for me.

Fav Lyric:

"I wanna scream at the top of my lungs
Can you hear me, I can't hear you
I can't hear you"

10. October, 2018: "I Know Somebody" by LoCash

Honestly, October was such a blur I was lost for a bit, but this song is adorable and helps center me. I love screeching the lyrics and driving around, getting lost on the outskirts of my town. Probably the most played bop when I visit home from school.

Fav Lyric:

"Somebody with a gassed up truck sittin' right outside
It's ready to roll if you're ready to ride"

11. November, 2018: "Mona Lisa" by Lil Wayne feat. Kendrick

Bro the storytelling in this song is ahhhhmazinggg! I heard this song on the way to a tennis match early November and forgot about it until I heard it again and became obsessed. Honestly, I probably listened to this song a billion times that month trying to learn all the copious lyrics (I finally succeeded don't worry). I feel like there are so many different layers to this song and shows how intense November was. With me trying to figure out who I am and just finally getting ahold of this whole college thing.

Fav Lyric:

"Poetry in a pear tree, sweet tone like a hummingbird
When she asked him, did he want to make love in a yellow taxi
Never gave two f*ck, jumped in the backseat
Woke up in the morning to The Great Gatsby
Then he dogged it again like the b*tch Lassie
I'ma a dog in the wind, I'm a pit laughing
I'ma call up again like I did last week
Make good with the friend and I'm all jazzy"

12. December, 2018: "Don't Blame Me" by Taylor Swift

A while back I saw T-Swifty's reputation tour concert at Lincoln Stadium with my mom, and it was honestly one of the best experiences of my life. So when I watched the movie, it was pretty much the most nostalgic thing ever. I always forget about Dress, Don't Blame Me, and King of My Heart, which are some of my all-time favorites of hers. Swift has the most laid back relatable everyday girl vibe ever, which is why I, and billions of fans, find her so hypnotizing. Her music carries this vibe ever so well, and I can easily relate to every song. So thanks for helping me end 2018 with this magic (and for being the top artist on my Spotify wrapped)!

Fav Lyric:

"Don't blame me, love made me crazy
If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right
Lord, save me, my drug is my baby
I'd be usin' for the rest of my life"

Happy New Year!

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