Son Of A Female Dog | The Odyssey Online
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Son Of A Female Dog

A fairly open letter to a "super" dude.

Son Of A Female Dog

Hi everyone. I know it has been a long time since I have written. I needed a break. I wasn't doing very well.

There was a day that started out bright, then...


Trigger pulled by one single sentence.

"There goes the dead guy's girlfriend."

Not only my ears heard it.

Many did.

So, to the son of a female dog: thank you for your cruelty. Thank you for breaking my heart open again. Thank you for reminding me. Thank you for making me feel like I have no "self" anymore, but a label. A billboard. A tattoo on my forehead.

Thank you for making me revisit my pain while going through an abundance of pain before your voice existed in my ears. For my restless nights of making sure my cat and my roommate are breathing and still alive. For making me so anxious to leave my apartment and risk having an anxiety attack with flashbacks in public...again.

I hope we have nothing in common. I hope we NEVER have something in common. ESPECIALLY loss of love...because then... someone might be cruel to you like you were to me and then we both will also have that added pain in common and I feel like that would add even more pain to your conscience to know that you were cruel to someone who could have and would have been there to be kind to you during YOUR heartache. Regret is what I would label that added pain for you, pal.

You are either blissfully ignorant of just how unfair and painful this life than can be that you think a sentence will not pull a mental trigger to someone else or you are just a sad, lonely man...

Either way... I pity you.

"There goes the guy who was an a** to the girl who lost her boyfriend."

How would you like that?

PS. To my readers, I do want to say that after giving myself some time and comfort that I am doing better. My next article will possibly be something along the lines of coping and the like, so stay tuned. And no, I don't know who the guy was nor do I want to know.


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