From time to time, I realize things have changed from when I was a child, to now watching my child. I'm sure we all noticed the basic things like not seeing kids outside playing with other kids or seeing kids talk back to their parents, public tantrums and bullying. There are a couple of other things but I think you understand my train of thought. Should we have been giving them trophies for mediocrity? Should we as parents should've enforced more discipline?
I don't know all the answers.
I can't help but wonder why so much has changed in such little time. I understand parents' concerns with the uprise of children being kidnapped and therefore not wanting them to play outside, but are we coddling our kids too much to make them fear the real world? Shouldn't we encourage children to get up and get out. Unfortunately, when my son is playing outside, it's because of the adults in his life playing along side of him. After a while, he gets bored of this and just chooses to play inside with his electronics because you don't need a second party to play with when playing with those.
I know I am not the only person who realizes how ruthless children can get when they talk to their parents. Is this because we've banned discipline? We cannot hit our children without the fear of them being taken from us. There's always two sides of this and there is a fine line I think personally of what's "acceptable." Hitting your kid because you're a sick freak and get enjoyment out of it is disgusting. Hitting your child's hand before he touches the stove out of reaction is acceptable. Either way, all I know for sure is that if I told my mother things like "shut up," or spoke while she was on the phone, she would've undoubtedly shot me this look that shook my core enough that I would rethink my next move.
These children no longer fear their parents or authority.
But nothing drives me more crazy. I'll repeat, NOTHING drives me more crazy than the term "bullying."
Recently my son was caught up in a "bullying"conundrum. I was awfully friendly with the mother, for quiet some time. I guess her daughter and my son exchanged some words and instead of her calling me, you know the reasonable adult thing to do, she called the school. This then lead to the police being phoned and informed.
When I was a kid, I was called everything! Anything from "four-eyes," to "buck teeth," and "fat."
Then when I got to high school and was pregnant the things I heard about myself, would make a teenager now, probably commit suicide. Maybe it was the way I was raised or maybe because I was rubber and they were glue-- but these words didn't bother me. I just moved on. I just honestly didn't care.
There is three types of people: the bully, the victim and the person that was unphased.
The world is changing and it's scary. It's so scary thinking about how we've coddled these kids too much and now it's causing them nothing but damage. I think we as parents should reevaluate how we're raising our children. Focus more on quality time instead of time in front of a television.
Do we do this because most families lack the concept of the family aspect of things? Is it because families lack religion or love?
We need to bring these kids back to 20, 30 years ago and raise them to be the best kids they can be.