People tell you when life gives you lemons, you are supposed to make lemon aide. I don't like the outlook of the lemons because when life gets tough, I rely on my faith. Faith comes in the size of a mustard and if you have just a little faith big things can happen. Sometimes in life, things in super hard and you feel like you can't do anything about it. When you pray and ask Jesus to help you and you stand back and let him do His work then everything will be okay.
In my life, things have gotten to where that I stop talking to friends and family because I go into a low and dark state. Now when I feel like that is happening I go and pray. I also talk to my friends and they help me through it. I also rely on my faith because I feel like if I have just a little bit that I can move mountains.
I know that some people feel like giving up because thing get too bad or too rough and they also think that they have no one in their corner. If you have ever felt like this then I want you to know that you have the greatest person sitting in your corner. You have the man that was beaten and died on the cross for you and his name is Jesus Christ. Even if you feel like everyone in the whole entire world is not with you just know that you have him.
Jesus loves you no matter what. Even if you feel like Jesus may not love you and that you have done so much wrong in your life. Just know that Jesus doesn't care, He loves you no matter what you have done in your life. Also, something that is even better is that He forgives. If you just pray and ask Jesus to forgive you then He will. Jesus will also never give up on you and He will answer prayers. He may not answer your prayers right away but, they will end up answered. Everything happens in his time.
So, if you ever feel like you are feeling like life is getting rough then have faith and pray. If you feel like you are alone, know that Jesus is with you. Jesus Christ will never leave you if you wander from his path just know that he will be right where you left him. Always go back to him, the journey may be hard and you may feel like giving up but, when you have Jesus in your corner everything will be easier. Just hold on to your faith and hold on to Jesus!