If I could just not care about what happens in my life... everything would be a whole lot easier. I wouldn't be in college... I would do the bare minimum to get by and do whatever the hell I wanted... Sometimes that sounds so nice. I would love to just have one whole month where I wouldn't have to go to work, I wouldn't have homework, I wouldn't have to leave my room. A whole month with no rehearsals, no commitments. Just being able to do nothing for awhile and not having to feel guilty about it. As I type all of this out my mind begins to relax a little bit. It sounds AMAZING.
Lately my life has been so chaotic and so stressful that quitting sounds like a damn near perfect plan. No homework? Sleeping in? Dare I say being able socialize every once in awhile? That sounds pretty cool to me. That and the overwhelming amount of time that I would have to watch Netflix... it sounds pretty dang awesome.
But as amazing as all that may sound, would I actually be happy? Could someone find meaning in a life like that? Could anyone actually SUCCESSFULLY live a life like that? It makes me wonder..
But the important thing to realize is that if you have never had a thought like this... you may not be human. So keep fantasizing about a life with no responsibilities. And take every opportunity that you can to try and recoup from your crazy life every once in awhile.
But also don't forget to: (if you're me)
Go to EVERY class, do your homework, go to rehearsal, go to job number 1, go to job number 2, keep your room clean (okay, maybe just livable), feed your bunny, pay your bills, find time to eat, find time to sleep (when you're not working 3rd shift, going to class, going to a rehearsal, going to job number 2, or doing your homework), call your family and tell them you love them, shower more than twice a week... oh and breathe. Breathing is good.
Those are pretty much the bare essentials, for me anyways. But for the rest of you who have taken enough interest in my article title, JUST DO YOU. and sometimes, just do nothing (: