"Sometimes life leads you down a different road
When you’re holding on to someone that you gotta let go
Someday you’ll see the reason why
Sometimes, yeah, sometimes, there’s good in goodbye" -Carrie Underwood
Throughout your life, countless people walk in and out at different times. Some stay for a lifetime, others may just stop in for a season or two. Think about it, what is the sole reason you want someone in your life? It is to help you grow and better yourself as a whole. If you have someone in your life who is constantly bringing you down and is adding more negative vibes than positive....what is the point of keeping them in it? As hard as it may be, saying goodbye to these kinds of people is not always a bad thing. Here are a few reasons why sometimes there is 'good' in goodbye:
1. It helps you grow
Denying people the chance to tear you down in life helps you grow stronger as a person. Finally realizing that you don't deserve to be walked all over and treated poorly is a huge step in the right direction. After that realization life is a lot simpler. You start to bloom into the person you have always wanted to be.
2. Why keep the negative vibes in?
The really cool thing about life is that you get to choose who you want to surround yourself with. If your family is constantly bringing you down...do not go around them. If your friends nag and complain and make you hate the world too...find new ones. If your coworkers make going to work living hell...get a new job. This is YOUR life. Time is limited and very precious, why surround yourself with negative people?
3. It gives you the opportunity to find new people
When you have your circle of people in your life you feel safe. You don't find the need to go out and meet new people and have new adventures because you are secure and set in your ways. However, when you make the decision to say goodbye to those who no longer excite you, it gives you the opportunity to put yourself out there to meeting new people. You never know who you are going to meet -- whether it be a new BFF or even your soulmate. It can be a thrilling time and experience putting yourself out into the world.
4. Why feel bad for moving on?
You should never feel guilty for outgrowing people in your life. They were put there for a reason, and if they are no longer benefiting you then that reason has come to an end, don't you think? However, you should always cherish the worthy memories and remember that they were once a positive aspect in your life. Yet, please do not let the thought of regret or remorse stop you from having the strength to let go of these negative people.
Whether it is a defective friendship, or even relationship, never be afraid to outrun the negatives these people have carried into your life. Remember that everything happens for a reason (so cliche, I know) and to never stop trying to surround yourself with positive vibes that will impact your life. Now that all sounds pretty good for having to say goodbye...right?