Ever since I was small my schedule has always been packed, and that was how I liked it. I tried to do as many things as I could possibly cram into my schedule and use of every minute of every day of every week. I had all of the dance classes, theatre rehearsals, sports, lessons, activities, clubs and anything else that I liked all figured out.
And somehow, I even managed to still have time to have fun with my friends.
When my parents would complain about how I needed to slow down, I would just brush it off and keep on running. They would always say it was unhealthy, which, in their defense, at some points in my life it probably was unhealthy.
But for most of the time, it was just the way I was wired. I was an "I can sleep when I'm dead" type of person, which I would even say to people on multiple occasions.
But recently, I've realized that you just can't have everything going on at full efficiency all of the time.
It just isn't realistic.
I realized that there are times that one thing is going to require all of my focus, and I am going to have to let go of other things for a little while in order to endure through that one thing. I realized that there are times that everything is going to feel like too much and I am going to have to disconnect from it all and heal.
But the good news is, usually, we can just pick right back up where we left off.
We can pick the ball up and let it start rolling again. We can keep working towards our goals without having to restart or redo it all.
So take that weekend road trip or Netflix binge — whichever is more your style — and refresh. Or, step away from all of your volunteering plans for a week so you can study your head off for that final because we can only get to our goals if we work at our own pace anyways.