In a world where boys are told to hold in their tears and not being at the top of your game 24/7 is a sign of weakness, it’s hard to feel like it’s completely fine to feel and be something other than okay. It seems like it’s hard for people to address their feelings and that they have the desire to keep everything behind closed doors. But let’s be honest, we’re human, we’re not perfect and everyone has a breaking point.
It’s okay to be sad and cry whenever it’s needed. It’s okay to be angry and want to find a way to let out the aggression. It’s okay to be frustrated and stressed about life, it happens. It’s okay to not know what is going on or not understand why something may be happening. Nothing in this world is supposed to be all rainbows and butterflies and that’s completely okay.
It’s okay to release all of those feelings because it isn’t good to keep it bottled up inside, especially if they’re negative feelings. Talk it out. Regardless of whether you believe that it actually helps or not, try it. Let yourself hear your issues, get them off your chest and allow yourself to feel whatever emotion comes with it.
Find someone you can talk to. But make sure that it is someone who can handle constant conversation, if that is what you need. There is nothing worse than looking to someone to talk to and having them either not give you enough attention, or not even acknowledge you at all. Let yourself cry, because it’s okay. It’s okay to have emotion and it’s okay to feel something. It doesn’t necessarily have to be in front of someone, it can be behind closed doors, but don’t keep it bottled up. If you’re stressed, cry it out and get back to work. If you’re sad, cry it out and look for something that’ll distract you from whatever is making you sad. If you’re angry, cry it out and move on. Crying can act as a release of any negative emotion that you’re feeling and can be a way to restart and help you get back on track.Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're anything less than normal for crying or that you aren't the person you are for showing emotion. Never feel as if feeling makes you less than amazing. You were put on this earth for a reason and it wasn't to be cold-hearted and emotionless.Go out there and make the world a better place or find your niche amongst this vast community, but do it with feelings along the way. Emotions are meant to be felt and mean to be expressed, if they weren't then well we wouldn't have them.
Don’t forget, you’re human. It’s okay to have a meltdown, just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed.