We've all been there — you have everything planned out perfectly, everything from college to your significant other, to what your summer plans are, to your career, to where you will move after college. And this plan of yours just seems so perfect, and you can hardly wait to see it all fall into place. However, God's plan is far greater than ours, and sometimes His answer is "no."
I think we often forget that God has the power to tell us "no." When everything is going along just as you want it to, and you feel on top of the world, it's one of the best feelings. But what about when something doesn't go just as you had planned? Maybe you didn't get into the college you'd dreamed of going to since you were 4. Maybe you apply for your dream job or internship; you have a really good feeling about it, but then you don't get it. Maybe your relationship with the person you called your best friend fell through, just like that. What do you do then?
During these times of disappointment and hurt, it's so easy to get angry at God or blame yourself and tell yourself that it's your fault — that you're not good enough. If this is you right now, stop.
In Jeremiah 29:11, God tells us, "For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future." Sometimes God's answer to your prayers and plans is "no," and when this happens, we need to step back, breathe and realize that God has got us covered.
The maker of the universe cares about you, loves you and has plans for you. Just let that sink in for a bit. When you're down because some part of your life didn't work out as you had hoped, remember that it is in God's hands. He knows what He is doing.
But trust me, I know, as a stressed out college student, this is much easier said than done. Right now we have so much to worry about, and none of us knows what our futures are going to hold. Although we never understand what God is up to, as long as we put our trust and our faith in Him, it will all work out. I promise.
When God says "no" to you now, just keep in mind that this only means He has something even better in store for you. Just keep on keepin' on and one day you'll be able to look back and thank God he said "no" to some of your plans now.
"And if not, He is still good." Daniel 3:18