So these past few weeks have been full of many changes for me. I thought going into college I had my life figured out, but I quickly have learned that God is the true mastermind behind life. Sophomore year has already been one full of changes and my first major change; ironically enough, it's about my major.
I hate to break somebody's heart out there, but this past week I switched from being a biology major to an english major. Before anyone starts crying, you should know that I kept biology as my minor. My life will still be filled with DNA and chemistry, but now I get to incorporate my favorite subject into the mix, which is english.
A little secret of mine is that I love to read, and not just read once in a while, but a lot. Like I believe my secret power is reading. I can read a full length novel in two hours and still process the novel.
During the summer, I can roughly finish between 30 and 40 books per month. I kid you not. I love reading and not just teen romance novels but the hard core novels, too. I love decoding secret meanings in Shakespeare's many works, or I even like reading the sometimes boring history novels.
I even once read War and Peace for fun. I can admit it: I am not just a science nerd but a major book worm, too. Being an english major seems to just click with me. As much as I love science, it is immensely hard and while I do love a good challenge, I have found out that I love writing and reading a bit more.
I still plan on applying to medical school because I do hope to become the next Christina Yang but I now have another backup plan. Which is smart to have because med school is pretty hard to get into.
Overall, I want to tell young people like myself that it is OK to make a change. Change is definitely scary and requires some courage but it is sometimes the right decision. Sadly, I do not know what the future holds but in this moment right now I feel like I am making the right decision.
Now I am definitely not going to change into the creative, free-spirit type. I will definitely still be the realist who still loves dissecting and learning about the endocrine system, but now I get to spend a little more time in a subject I have loved my whole life.
So all you biology majors who think science is the only route you can take to get into your med/dental/vet/other health school, do not fret. They will still accept you as whatever you are: just follow something you really love.
College is the time when you grow up and make life decisions. So if you feel your current major or career path is not right, then think about what you love doing and ask for others' help, but the most important opinion is your own. This is your life that you will be living not your parents, sibling or friends. So go with your gut, and I promise you it never disappoints!