Adulting is a tricky thing and it's trickier is to realize this. All through our lives, we have been taught to outdo others and outdo ourselves. "You are your only competition" and "Never give up" are 'motivational' quotes that are thrown at us all the time.
But no one ever told us when can we give up? I mean when can we finally say that ''Okay, I'm done here and I now deserve a break'? And more importantly, why are we so paranoid about the consequences of giving up?
I am proud to be part of a generation who is constantly willing to better itself but many of us are drowned in self-deprecation because we think we are not good enough or not worth it. And the sad part is, that we don't even share this feeling because it will lower our value further.
As important it is to keep on moving in life, it is also very much necessary to wait for a while, cherish what we have achieved so far and celebrate. Don't go too hard on yourself. Acknowledge from where you started and where have you reached so far- it may not be your destination but you may have covered a good amount of distance. As they say, enjoy the journey as it is always the best part of the climb.
But all these are also not the things I am so much concerned about. When I say this I guess many of you will relate, sometimes we take up too many tasks, more than what we can handle, just to prove a point or maybe simply because of over-ambition. While it is a good thing to have a thirst for more, we need to know where to stop. This thirst should not grow to a level that consumes us whole. What I have learned the hard way is that it is very important to learn to say no, and know when to do so.