Before I even get into this topic I just want to say that I respect anyone's opinion and it is anyone's choice for where they stand on the matter. Frankly, I try to stay out of politics as much as possible. I'm not sure if me becoming more interested in politics today is more of just a growing up thing or if I'm truly just frightened at what some legislatures are trying to push. I've tried to stay quiet about the topic I'd like to write about because most people hold heavy to their beliefs and opinions and sometimes have complete and utter disregard to opposing ones. But today, everyone needs to be vocal about this. Everyone needs to have an opinion on this. Abortion.
As just about anyone with a social media account knows, abortion has been a heavy topic buzzing through everyone's feed these last few weeks. Recently states all across the US have been reforming their laws regarding at which point women would be able to obtain an abortion, if at all. Some states, like Ohio, have taken part in restricting the access women have to abortions with the heartbeat bill passed in April. Alabama has taken the biggest step in restricting abortion throughout the state with a near total ban. Not only are these women in danger of not having access to abortion but are also facing years in prison for obtaining the procedure elsewhere. While states like the ones mentioned above are taking stricter measures, bending the clock back like Roe v Wade never happened, other states like Oregon are making it more easy for women to receive the procedure by offering free abortions for all (Can I just say go them!).
I could honestly go on and on all day about why women NEED access to abortion. But it's the same thing you've heard before. It's sad to see but some people have blatant carelessness for not only women's physical but mental and emotional health as well. Some seem so adamant on being able to control women's bodies and calling abortionist baby murderers. At this point in the US government, dead people have more of a right over their dead body than a living pregnant woman does. People like to hush away when we bring women's rights in it with throwing in their faces the baby's rights. Which technically speaking, according to the 14th amendment that baby would have no rights until born or naturalized. Growing up I remember learning US history and all the accomplishments and strides we've made over the years and feeling a sense of pride, especially regarding women's rights. But now legislatures are setting the clock back decades and we may have to do it all over again.
I just don't see why what one does with their own body affects anyone else. If you are pro-life, simply don't get an abortion. If you are pro-choice, simple, you can weigh out your options, because that IS what the choice part in the name means. Women should have a right to their body, a right to choose. But we're slowly losing it. Everyone should have an opinion on this. Everyone needs to have an opinion on this. I'm tired of seeing people complaining on social media how their "tired of all the abortion bs and want to see a meme." If this isn't affecting you, it's affecting your mom, your sister, your aunt, your cousin, your friend, someone you love. Stand up. Protest. Tweet it. Get your opinion out there because it does matter and we can't expect anything to change if we do nothing.