For most people, coming to college is a huge culture shock. You have to make new friends and get up for class without mom or dad pulling you out of bed. Yes, they say you should "enjoy your college years while they last," but we all have growing up to do during the time we are in college. It's crazy to think that in approximately four short years, we will have to face real world things like finding a job and paying off all those student loans (yay!).
If you think about it, our lives truly start here in college. We have to decide what we want to do for the rest of our lives, which means first picking a major. Which is hard.
A lot of people decide to major in something that they know will just make them money. But what's the point in your deciding on something you want to do if it's not your passion?
I may only be a freshman, but my one goal/dream in my life is to be happy. I don't want to be stuck behind a cubical when I could be out running a business or shooting photos or doing something that interests me.
So even though choosing a major is scary and overwhelming, my one tip of advice is to major in something you love. If it's a hobby you love, like writing or watching sports, make it your life. Major in something that interests you. Don't pick something because you know it'll make you money or land you a job quickly. Money doesn't buy you happiness, you have to make your happiness.
I was lucky enough to come into college already knowing what I wanted to major in and minor in, like some of you. Others may have no clue, which is completely OK. Go out and enroll in a new class that has to do with the hobby you love or something that interests you. It doesn't hurt to try new things. It's better to start now rather than when it's too late.