Since I have moved to Orlando I have been having the time of my life, but the one thing that is missing is someone special to share it with. I know it sounds cheesy, but I am hoping to find a girl on my Disney College Program that wants to visit the parks with my childish self and nerd out with me over comic book TV shows like "The Flash" and "Supergirl." It's been a while since I dated and that was for my own personal reasons.
I think that now is the right time to put myself back out there and give it a shot once again. No guy or girl likes the feeling of rejection and that is why, for the most part, people stay single. It's because they are afraid of taking a chance or a leap for that person they are interested in. They live in constant fear of rejection and no one should live that way. What I have learned throughout my previous relationships is that your happiness is the key to a successful relationship.
During my last relationship, the further and further and further it went on, the more I realized that I was unhappy. I was blinded by the fact that I didn't recognize that I was unhappy and I suppressed it for so long. My suppressed unhappiness finally got the better of me and I finally expressed my true feelings. If you are ever in a relationship and it is making you unhappy, please step back and reevaluate the relationship.
Your happiness and their happiness is key for a healthy relationship. You both want to be happy and it's hard to please two parties, but it can be managed. Over the last few years since my last relationship, I thought about working on my self-esteem and preparing myself for the next girl to walk into my life. Coming back from an unhealthy and unhappy relationship is very difficult and can really take a toll on you. The more you stick with it and try to bounce back, I noticed I was much happier and ready to move forward.
I feel like Dr. Phil giving relationship advice, but the real kicker is my relationships haven't been successful. I have taken my failures and used them as learning lessons so I don't make the same mistake again in the future. It's great to be mindful of things that ended a relationship so that you don't end a relationship that could possibly end up with a bright future ahead of it. People set too high of standards for relationships and also for those that they find "attractive" just on the basis of looks and physicality. "Looks" don't last forever, but a relationship does. Look for someone that you make a connection with and want to spend every waking moment with having fun and creating memories.