Understandably infamous for being the worst day of the week, Mondays get a pretty bad rap. They aren’t all bad just because we have to go back to work/school/responsibilities though. When looked at with the right attitude one can find plenty of good things about Monday. Today is a sort of a fresh start. Maybe last week wasn’t your best, they can’t all be, well Monday is a clean slate to stay on track, whether it is work, a diet, or going to the gym or maybe you’re just getting over being sick and ready to jump back into the game. Whatever the case may be today is your day to start off on a good foot! Going back to work or school may also mean seeing the people you aren’t close friends with but enjoy catching up with after the weekend. Maybe some of you can’t relate to either of these. Maybe you’re on your A-game 24/7, 365 and you can’t stand any of your peers/coworkers and are just waiting “patiently” for summer break; think of Monday as the start to being one week closer to that. Remember, a semester is only 15 weeks long, that’s 15 Mondays; you got this!
This might seem like the dud day of the week, but that’s the charm of it. Unlike Monday, you’re not facing the slump of going back to work/school but you’re not counting down the hours to the weekend yet either or drained from a long week. Tuesday is not particularly special or particularly awful, it’s just a quiet, peaceful day.
The halfway point, hump day, you’ve survived the harder first half of the week. The next days will go by fast and it’ll be Friday night before you know it! If you’ve made it through today, you can make it through the rest of the week. As a bonus, some places still have Wednesday Night Wing Specials, and if not, it still sounds like a good excuse for wings and pizza night anyways.
The day before Friday, it’s like Friday’s pre-game; you can start getting excited because the weekend is so close! This can act like a shot of espresso to boost your spirits. Some people like to celebrate with Thirsty Thursdays but if that’s not your style, today’s also #ThrowbackThursday, which is a great reason to post a cute baby pic on Facebook that is sure to get lots of likes and “aww”s.
Do I even need to talk Friday’s up to you? You survived the week and now the weekend is here! Give yourself a hand or a pat on the back or whatever it is you do to congratulate. Give one last hurrah today and then you can kick back and relax or go out and celebrate!
This is a hard day to argue against, Saturday is like the golden treasure of the week. You can sleep in, lunge around, and refuel or you can get out and make an adventure of your day off, both great options! Enjoy the weekend!
Although many people get caught up in the disappointment that today is the last day off before the work/school week begins again, they are forgetting what is really important, it is still a day off! Plus, as it’s the second day of the weekend, you may already be well rested from sleeping in on Saturday (or maybe you stayed up until 3:30 am last night, that’s okay too, you can still sleep in). For the rested half, Sunday gives you the opportunity to sleep in some, but still wake up rested before the day is half over. You can wake up and have a nice breakfast and enjoy the day. Sunday’s are great for binging Netflix or getting some chips and dip and watching Sunday night football.