Something for everyone in Sun City – and no political overtones | The Odyssey Online
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Something for everyone in Sun City – and no political overtones

Today's South Africa is one of the most popular destinations in world tourism, and Sun City is, for many the jewel in the crown. Let's find out what the place is all about.

Something for everyone in Sun City – and no political overtones

If the name Sun City conjures up an earworm of a protest song, you must have had the honor and privilege of growing up in the 80s. It's actually 34 years since Steven Van Zandt's anti-apartheid anthem hit the charts. Plenty has happened in the meantime, and most of it has been good. Today's South Africa is one of the most popular destinations in world tourism, and Sun City is, for many the jewel in the crown. Let's find out what the place is all about.

Sun City Casino

In setting itself up as one of the top tourist destinations on the planet, Sun City took more than a few style notes from Las Vegas. It has the bright lights, the glitz, the glamor and, of course, the gaming. Step through the doors of Sun City Casino and you really could forget where you are and expect to be on Las Vegas Boulevard when you step out again. With hundreds of machines, the list of slots is almost as exhaustive as you can find online, while there are also 40 gaming tables if blackjack, roulette or craps is more your cup of rooibos.

The Valley of the Waves

With the nearest coastline about 500 miles away, the one thing you might not expect to do at Sun City is sit on the beach. Think again, this is the place where anything is possible. The Valley of the Waves is a remarkable feat of engineering, using custom made underwater technology to generate waves that can reach a height of six feet every 90 seconds. You'll also find a range of flume rides that cater to all swimming abilities. Thrill-seekers will head straight for the Temple of Courage, and its 55-foot drop.

Predator World

There are those who see Sun City as an example of man-made excess and use it as a stop over before venturing out into Kruger on safari. Two opposite worlds? Not really, Sun City takes the conservation of South Africa's native wildlife as seriously as anyone, and Predator World is a must-see. Join one of the guided tours and you won't be disappointed. The guides are knowledgeable and the groups are small, meaning you get a really personal experience.

Two amazing golf courses

Sun City has earned a reputation as one of the foremost golf resorts on the planet. That's not by accident, as the city has invested in not one, but two championship quality courses designed by none other than Gary Player. The Gary Player Country Club and the Lost City Golf Course each has its own characteristics and challenges, but will be rewarding for players of any handicap.

The Hall of Fame

This interactive exhibit, which you will find at Sun Central, pays tribute to the biggest names in South African sport and the arts. Big or small, black or white, male or female, they are all given the same recognition here, and surely that should be the biggest celebration of all. Give the place a look and prepare to be both wowed and humbled.

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