Dear you,
Hi, whoever you are. One day you met someone and you thought they were different than the rest, you fell in love with them. One day you met someone, in a hospital room as you cried looking at your beautiful baby boy and baby girl. One day you met someone and you clicked instantly, you knew you guys would be total BFF’s. Whatever one applies to you, the day you met this person you never knew that they would be that special to you, in more ways than one they were different than the rest.
You met someone with a mental illness that was going to plague them and you didn't have a single clue. You had no clue what you got yourself into and guess what, now you're stuck! You do more than the average lover, parent, or best friend and if you deal with one of us mental illness sufferers, congrats you're totally awesome.
You don't know how special you are. The person, maybe the only person who knows what is trying to take me over. You're the one who helps me push when I feel like I'm wanting to give up, the one who reminds me that I have a life worth living to the fullest. You have accepted me, not the me you first met but the me that I have been able to open up and show you. You accept me in my rarest form.
You handle the side of my that people would call “clingy”. You take on the mission of being by my side always knowing that I'm mentally battling each day. You choose to look past the silly people calling me things like that and help me anyway. You have no problem giving me the constant reassurance on anything I ask for. The days where I need to hear a little extra than a normal person, you stay instead of giving up onLo the tricky task.
You've watched me in my deepest breakdowns. You've held me and told me it's all gonna be okay. You've lifted me out of my deep mind when it's wrapping around me like a snake. Instead of getting scared and running away like probably anyone else would do if they saw someone having a massive freak out, you sit next to me. You stand by my side all day making sure that you do whatever you can to keep me out of the snake's grip. Instead of turning your head, your attention is on me.
For these reasons you are just as remarkable as the person who is fighting. Fighting along side each day in a battle that isn't yours, now that's amazing. You are so strong to throw yourself into a situation that you do not have to be in. You do not suffer from the mental illness so you have all of the right to live without it, but because of me you choose to make it a part of you. So this is to you, a truly beautiful soul. Thank you for choosing me, everyday and loving me with my flaws that are a bit more technical than others.
Thank you, lots of love
-A sufferer