The "someone else will do it" attitude. I'm sure we are all guilty of saying that to ourselves at one point in time. You know what I'm talking about--when you don't do something specifically because you think "someone else will do it." People make messes, don't clean up after themselves and don't speak up for something because "oh someone else will do it so I don't have to worry." Someone else will worry about that spill and someone else will protest.
This mindset comes into play with larger issues in the world. Climate change, human rights, conservation of natural resources. People want to help, but then they just assume someone else will do it or they think they won't make a difference. But do we ever think that if everyone in the world has this attitude, then who's going to be the "someone else" that will do it? Someone else will fight for what's right and someone else will change the world--but not if we all have that attitude.
I think we need to change this attitude and mindset we naturally get into. Like I said before, if everyone has this attitude then there isn't going to be "someone else" out there. If you want to change the world, do it. Don't wait for someone else to. You fight for what you believe instead of giving up and thinking someone else will. Imagine what we could do if everyone chose to do something instead of leaving it for another person--a real difference can be made.
Think back in the past--all of the great people who made change happen. They didn't wait for someone else to do something. They took matters into their own hands and made it happen. We need to adopt that mindset more.
Want to help save the the planet? Volunteer for an organization that helps with conservation, donate to other organizations that support what you believe in, whatever it may be. Protest, write letters, call your senators if you want your voice heard. Fundraise for a group you care about, educate people about what you believe. Make all the difference you can and encourage others to do the same. Partake in the small actions that make a difference. Do your part in ridding the attitude of "someone else will do it." Be the someone else you are always talking about, you'll be amazed at the difference you can make.
We are at a point now where we can't keep sitting around waiting for someone else to fix our problems for us. We need to take action now and stop waiting for someone else to take care of it. Years of "someone else will do it" hasn't helped and progressed us toward change. Now is a more critical time then ever to being the person that does something--anything.
No better time than the present to start making good change. Be the "someone else" and do it.