Contrary to popular belief, not every single woman likes to shop. I would know, I’m one of them. There is nothing wrong with being a woman, or a man, that enjoys shopping. But let’s not stereotype and say that those who love to shop are strictly women. If you are a woman who doesn’t enjoy shopping then these are a few things you know to be true.
1. You get bribed to go shopping.
Your family and friends have to bribe you in order to get you out of the house. They promise you that you’ll get Cinnabon or will buy you a new item of clothing if you go with them. You figure food and free clothes are just enough to get you out of the house.
2. Shopping can give you a little bit of anxiety.
There are just too many darn options to choose from, too many stores, and too many people. You glance at your phone for five seconds and the person who dragged you to go shopping with has disappeared. What are you going to do? They were your ride home. Time to find your way through a labyrinth of clothing and hope the make-up and perfume salespeople don’t bombard you.
3. Prices remind you why you don’t like to shop.
Just as you start to relax and enjoy your experience you gravitate towards an item of clothing or accessory that would suit you. You’re intrigued, you look at the price tag and almost have a heart attack. $70 for a shirt that has three rhinestones on it? Those rhinestones better be giving you special powers if a shirt is that expensive.
4. You begin to think of all the other things you could be doing.
Three hours have gone by and your shopping partner still hasn’t found everything they’re looking for. That’s three hours you could have been napping, watching Netflix, or completing that task you’ve been putting off for weeks. Running even sounds more enticing than shopping at the moment.
5. When you finally decide to go shopping, it’s on your own terms.
You are shopping because you know exactly what you want and plan to go in and out of the store under 15 minutes. Or, you’re shopping because you’re in the mood to do so and want to take your sweet time. No one better interrupt or complain that their feet hurt. This shopping mood happens once every three months and you’re not about to let others ruin it for you.
6. You’re glad you don’t enjoy shopping.
Sometimes you wonder why you’re not like every other woman that enjoys shopping when payday comes but then you remember how much money and time you save. You’re happy with the type of woman you are and could care less about having the newest pair of shoes or seasonal outfits.