With finals approaching the stress levels are rising and the workload is increasing. Although the end is near, sometimes it feels like it will never end. Here are some of the ways I survive finals and somehow manage to stay sane while doing it.
1. Make Checklists
Crossing things off a list ALWAYS feels great, so start your studying by writing down everything you need to get done that day. Although it can be overwhelming it will keep you on track and of course, help you to avoid forgetting assignments.
2. Do Not Disturb
Getting distracted on your phone while studying is something that is hard to avoid. It usually begins innocently responding to one text but end up looking at the clock half an hour later. One way to avoid this is to turn your phone on do not disturb and put it face down on the other side of the table. Chances are you'll get so distracted studying you'll forget it's even there.
3. Keep it Quiet
Studying somewhere quiet will help immensely. This seems like an obvious one and yet so many people ignore it. This means sitting in a quiet room away from any distractions. Some people prefer to study in Starbucks or somewhere with noise but personally I think you will get more done in a shorter amount of time if in complete silence.
4. Clean Up
Working in a clean environment can help immensely with concentration. Whether that means cleaning your desk or deciding to work somewhere completely different, thats up to you. But I can guarantee you'll feel more relax and organized working in a clean area.
5. Don't Procrastinate
This one is especially hard for some people. But this is so incredibly important in being successful and working to your full potential. Looking ahead at deadlines coming up and beginning work well before the due date will not only allow you to feel more relaxed when the deadline does come up but you'll also have time to perfect the project.
6. Use White Boards When Possible
White boards have seriously saved my life when it comes to studying. I use them for drawing pictures and memorization, but they are also helpful to write out key terms or phrases. Writing, talking, and reading something is the best way to absorb the information and using white boards is a great way to write down the material and discuss it with your peers.