Whenever I reflect or check-in with myself, I want to be kind to myself and ask productive questions. These are a few of my favorites.
Are you holding any tension in your body right now?
You should probably relax your shoulders, unclench your jaw, straighten your back, or stretch if you need to.
Have you eaten anything recently?
If you're hungry, you might want something. If it's been hours, see if you can eat something, even if it's small.
What do you need to hear right now at this moment?
Tell yourself what you need to hear right now. "I am worthy of love." "My feelings are valid." "It's okay to rest and take breaks." Whatever you need.
Name what’s enough for you right now.
Too often, we're always looking back or contemplating the future. Right now, in this moment, what is enough for you? Your relationship, your friends, your family, yourself. That fact that you're alive.
If you have a motto or mantra, is this a good time to repeat it?
One of the things I tell myself is "All you can do is all you can do." When I need to check-in and reflect, this is something I try to keep in my headspace.
Is there anything you can do now that will relieve future you?
If you feel up to it, can you do the dishes so you wake up to a clean kitchen? Can you finish an assignment that's due tomorrow night? Can you start it? If not, that's okay. Do you need a nap? Does your body need nourishment?
Is there anything weighing on your mind?
Can you talk about it with someone if you're comfortable with that? If not, do you want to take a minute and journal about it? Can you identify the feeling you have and what it makes you feel?