After finding out some pastors are whining over remarks made 11 years ago re: the Presidential Candidate Donald Trump I became quite upset at their behavior, not so much Donald’s though. I’m a Christian myself and forgive Trump for his indiscretions. Trump has never been perfect, but has been speaking the imperfect message of millions of US Citizens.
Americans have been disturbed with political leadership for decades and now that someone has put words to that infuriation they have been voting for him. Trump has simply stated that the nonsensical behavior of these leaders has to go.
But then there’s the hypocritical behavior of some pastors, who might have been afraid to preach into the political realm, now scream outrageously over an incident that took place 11 years ago. Most of you know what I’m talking about so I’m not going to repeat it.
Why do I say hypocritical? I’m pretty sure that most of them, like most men, have spoken unwisely about women sometime in their life, got their mouth cleaned up by God, but forgot that, and then, judged Trump. I believe God is scratching His head. These guys should know better.
Have you read that Donald Trump has recently become a believer in The Christ of Christianity and that his running is one too? These men are sharing in a new relationship in of all places a presidential political campaign. If you give this some thought, what are the pastors pondering when they come down on Trump, a newbie in their own faith!?
What kind of support is that to be considered by him? Trump is a “baby in the faith” and, I actually think, would be looking for a little direction. He’s probably getting it from Gov. Pense, since they pray together almost everyday. But pastors are whining. They’re speaking to Christian Newspapers and their congregations not to support Trump. They’re actually un-endorsing him.
What do you suppose Donald Trump is taking away from these silly leaders? If he’s heard some things from the Bible in his years, perhaps one of the stories is about the woman caught in adultery by the religious leaders of her time. These leaders wanted to know what Jesus thought of her sin? Instead of condemning her He planted a surprise... “He who is without sin be the first to cast a stone.”
Well now, can this be quoted for Trump’s case, by the religious leaders of 2016? It’s doubtful they are. And this is a shame since it should be.
Billy Graham, a most notable spiritual leader has a son called, Franklin. And Franklin is an exception. He wrote an article in the Christian Post that has some sense. He said, "The crude comments made by Donald J. Trump more than 11 years ago cannot be defended," Graham wrote in a Facebook post. "But the godless progressive agenda of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton likewise cannot be defended." Graham did not defend Trump but expressed a bigger picture. Trump, who may not have the best leadership for this country, is far less ungodly than President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton.