It's easy to sit down and write about heartache and pain. Some of the best therapy is writing out how you're feeling and just to get it off your chest. I once had a friend tell me after a break up to write him a letter, tell him everything that was on my mind. The idea wasn't to actually send the letter, unless I was really feeling bold, but to just get it all out. Once it's out of your head you feel a lot lighter, like the pain isn't as relevant anymore. As important as it is to think about the bad stuff, it is also important to think about the good things. Some of the best feelings in the world are the simplest things that can instantly make you feel good. Here are a list of some of those best feelings.
1. Finding a song that fits exactly how you're feeling.
You know what I'm talking about, you hear a song and instantly you think, “that song has to have been written about me!” Suddenly that song is all you listen to for the next week. You picture yourself during every verse, every chorus, and each time you hear it you connect more and more. It's comforting to know that someone else has felt the way you feel and that they are okay, and you will be too.
2. When your cat actually comes over to you willingly.
Okay, if any of you are like me, you will understand this one. I frequently find myself chasing my cat around the house like some crazy ex-girlfriend yelling “why won't you love me!?” Come on, we've all been there.. no? Just me? Well, it is a constant battle in my house; he loves me but he also finds it amusing to make me chase after him. Typical male huh? Every once in a while though, I'll be sitting on the couch and he'll just come up and lie on my lap. It's a rare occasion, but it does happen and I try my best not to freak out. I have to sneakily grab my phone to send a picture to my mom before he decides I've moved around too much and jumps ship. Needless to say it is a wonderful feeling when your cat shows you love without you forcing him to cuddle.
3. When bae watches your Snapchat story.
Because we all know you didn't post that picture of your ceiling with the word “bored” on your story just because you thought it was a good idea. You are constantly checking your views just for their name. And it is a great feeling to know that they are interested in what you are doing and somewhat comforting to know they are just checking in on you.
4. Lighting your favorite scented candle.
For me it's vanilla. It's such a homey smell that can instantly put me in a good mood. It's like a drug. I love having that smell linger on me. People tell me all the time that I smell like vanilla, and I take it as a compliment; “thank you” I reply as a turn and inhale my jacket for the next 10 seconds.
5. The first drive of summer.
Growing up in New England, you never know when summer officially begins. Some years we have snow until May, others, it's 70 in March. But we all know it is that first day when the sun is out and it feels so nice. There may still be snow on the ground, but the air has a hint of warmth in it. You get in your car roll down all the windows and blast your music. You don't care that it's probably only 50 degrees out, or that they guy at the red light next to you is hardcore judging you for your throwback 90's playlist, you just know that summer is coming and right now it feels great.
6. When someone posts a picture or texts you after you hang out saying they had a good time.
You had a good time and you're pretty sure that they were having fun too, but it is nice to have confirmation, and to know that they really did enjoy your company.
7. Not having to set an alarm when you go to bed.
Now, we all know this feeling. You've had a long semester between work and classes, and it feels like you haven't slept in in weeks. It is one of the greatest feelings to just go to bed not having to count the hours you have left before you have to wake up, to know that you can just roll out of bed whenever you want and that you won't be late for anything.
8. When you finish a kickass workout
You dragged your ass out of bed to get to the gym because you are determined to be healthy and get in shape. You spent hours Googling some “14 Days To Skinny Workout Challenge” so you would know exactly what to do when you get there. You came, you saw, you conquered, and it is the best feeling in the world. You come out of the gym dripping with sweat but you don't care. You're legs are sore and you know walking up the stairs to class tomorrow is going to be hell, but it's good feeling. It's a feeling of strength and empowerment that you are proud of.
9. Depositing a check into your bank account.
It's Thursday and you know what that means, PAY DAY! Going to the bank with that nice signed check, throwing it on the counter in a “yeah, that's right, I have money” kind of way, as if no one else in the world got paid today, and watching the balance on your account go into double digits, it's a feeling of complete joy.
10. When Dunkin' Donuts gives you a large but only charges you for a medium.
Okay, I swear this is a real thing. This actually happened to me the other day. I was going through the drive thru before work getting my usual, a medium sweet tea with 4 liquid sugars and no lemon (I have a bit of a sweet tooth). I ordered at the speaker and when I pulled around to the window, the cashier said “I accidentally poured you a large but I'm only charging you for a medium.” Best day ever.
11. Realizing you're happy.
This may seem like sort of a cop out, but it is probably the best feeling in the world. Growing up I had very low self esteem and I was never happy with myself, I never really liked myself, and I let people treat me like crap. But as I grew older I made great friends, I met people that actually liked me and a gained a lot of confidence. Not only that but I actually liked myself, and this is a big deal for me. I used to walk around and feel like a nobody, like I didn't matter at all. Now I am completely different, I have a whole world of confidence and I'm not afraid to show it. I know who I am, and I am for once happy. I finally know what I am worth and that I deserve the world. And I am done letting people treat me like I don't matter, because I do.