Some law schools are shaking up their admissions process and the ones that are will surprise you. Typically, if you want to go to law school, you take the LSAT. If you want to do something else, most likely you take the GRE or the MCAT or GMAT…But now, some schools are allowing for your GRE score to be taken instead of your LSAT score. This could be great for some students with either a higher GRE score or who weren’t sure they wanted to go to law school until after they took the GRE.
Here are the schools that take the GRE.
Harvard Law School
Harvard Law School just announced it would start to take GRE scores this past March
University of Arizona
The University of Arizona was actually the first school to implement such a policy in its admissions process.
Georgetown is one of the newest law schools to start taking the GRE in its admissions process.
Northwestern Law School is also on the list of universities accepting GRE scores.
Inside Higher Ed recently published an article stating the American Bar Association may soon be clamping down on its validity requirements even though Arizona, Georgetown, Harvard and Northwestern have all done studies to assure they are up to ABA rules. The ABA however, is considering a rules change, which would allow law schools to accept GRE scores instead of LSAT scores only if the ABA determines the validity of the test (currently only done with the LSAT).
Basically, these law schools see the GRE as a way to attract applicants who might be considering other forms of graduate education and may be interested in law school but don’t want to take another test.