I have never dealt well with stress. I actually prefer to let it boil it up until the inevitable mental breakdownensues. Generally this happens around this time of the year: the end of the semester. It feels like every assignment you have chosen to put off until ‘later’ is suddenly due tomorrow. Finals are coming, but you still have to figure out how to get that C up to a B. Then, of course, you need to fit in every possible second with your friends because you will have to say goodbye to them for the summer in just a few short weeks. The end of the semester can be a very stressful time.
Don’t fret, however! There are certainly things that can be done to reduce that stress and help you survive another ‘end of the semester’ in college. I’ve done some research and compiled a list of my favorite unusual stress reducers. With the help of just a few things, even you can get rid of that pesky college anxiety and stress. I promise, you can do it.
Start your day with a glass of OJ
I’m serious! According to NBC’s TODAY, oranges actually lower your level of stress hormones, like cortisol. The Vitamin C in OJ also helps boost immunity levels. How can you say no to this drink when it is both delicious and promoting a healthier lifestyle? The best part about this drink, too, is that it only takes one or two glasses a day to really do the trick.
Right now you’re saying, what!? But it’s true! Laughter has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. When you laugh, you are reducing the release of certain stress hormones, and promoting the release of endorphins. Laughter also stimulates blood circulation and helps with muscle relaxation, which aids in the decrease of some of the physical symptoms of stress. Ever watch those “Try not to laugh or grin” videos on YouTube? If not, you’re welcome!
Be creative!
Remember in elementary school when art used to be a sort of therapeutic extra curricular? It still can be! Take a short break from writing that paper or solving that problem set, and get out your colored pencils and paint. If you don’t have the right art supplies, utilize what you do have! Draw a picture with a highlighter or a pen. Also, for those of us who don’t have that artistic ability, we can use alter this stress-reducing strategy by journaling, or doing something else that requires our minds to let loose and be creative.
Run, walk, and exercise!
You’re all heard this one before, but it’s too good to leave out of this stress-reducing article completely. If you are like me, sitting still for too long never ends well. Our bodies need ways to release some of that stressful energy. If you feel like there are some days that you don’t have time for the gym, that’s okay too! I have found that by doing a few simple ab-workouts, or quick set of jumping jacks, I can get myself back on track and reduce that terrible feeling of being overwhelmed by work.
Clean! Organize!
I asked a few friends, and they all agreed that organizing and cleaning their rooms has helped to reduce some of that frustrating school-related stress. Sometimes by starting and completing a simple task, you become more motivated and better prepared to begin something else. My mom used to say, “an organized room promotes an organized life!” Additionally, it’s always nice to walk into a clean room after staying up all night to finish that project (that you had all semester to start).