Vitamins are named by combining the words vital and amines.
As the name suggests, these are amines that must be included in our diet to lead a healthy life. When we follow a balanced diet, we implicitly consume the proper share of all vitamins. However, when we switch diets, it is crucial to modify them to fit all your vitamin intake.
One of the neglected vitamins, which can cause a lot of damage, is Vitamin B12. It is essential to get a vitamin b12 test to assess your condition and consult your nutritionist. The only tangible way of checking for a deficiency is through proper testing certified by a doctor. You will be placed on supplements to suit your diet to include it.
Fact 1: Vitamin B12 is necessary to form RBCs and DNA
Most people raised in vegetarian households don’t realise the importance of this vitamin. You never recognise a need when your diet doesn’t traditionally include meat. All vegetarians and vegans must get a vitamin b12 test. Regular testing is the only way to stay safe and avoid diseases.
What are the sources of Vitamin B12?
The original source of the vitamin is bacteria found in the soil. When animals graze on the pastures, they consume these bacteria, which are in their meat.
Fact 2: Vitamin B12 is not found in meat naturally nowadays
Animals raised to be butchered aren’t allowed to graze in natural fields. They hence don’t naturally imbibe the bacteria responsible for the vitamin. These bacteria are artificially added to their feed to introduce the vitamin. Even if you are a meat eater, it is always a good idea to get a vitamin b12 test.
If the cattle raiser doesn’t take the precaution of adding the right amounts of bacteria in their feed, no matter how much meat you consume, there will be no increase in your vitamin levels. The only way to check for a deficiency is a proper b12 test.
How do you check for a deficiency?
Medical testing is the only way to diagnose a deficiency. A traditional vitamin b12 test entails a blood test to check your B12 levels. While this was considered the correct method, it was not long before doctors realized the number of false negatives.
Fact 3: Blood tests to check for vitamin b12 may result in many false negatives
When we consume food rich in vitamin b12 right before the test, the b12 test doesn’t show a deficiency and reports normal levels. Further, even if you didn’t consume meat but an analogous version of the structure, a structure similar to the vitamin but doesn’t help the body in the same way, the vitamin b12 test reports normal levels.
To correctly diagnose your levels, a b12 test is now a blood test coupled with either testing for methylmalonic acid or homocysteine levels. When the latter test shows high levels, it is usually indicative of a deficiency. The best b12 test is decided by your doctor, who will also be the person to assess your results correctly.
Consequences of Vitamin B12 deficiency
The consequences of a deficiency which goes unnoticed are immense. It causes diseases and conditions which do permanent damage to your body. Nutritionists stress getting a vitamin b12 test regularly to avoid complications. Some disorders are listed below:
- Pernicious anaemia
- Memory loss
- Numbness in arms and legs
Fact 4: Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause pernicious anaemia, memory loss and numbness in appendages.
Pernicious anaemia causes fatigue and weakness in mild cases. It can cause digestive problems, cardiac insufficiency, and neurological disorders when it is more serious. Numbness of limbs causes difficulty in day-to-day activities. It is crucial to get a b12 test when you suspect any of the above illnesses.
What supplements can you take?
All followers of vegetarian and vegan diets have to take supplements. No plant source can help you with vitamin b12 levels, and supplements are the only option. First, get a vitamin b12 test and get your results accessed by a nutritionist to plan a balanced diet.
Fact 5: Supplements for Vitamin B12 are a must for vegetarians and vegans
You can find these supplements in the form of cyanocobalamin and methyl cobalamin, which are either integrated into the state of pills or liquids. The supplement most suited to your body is best decided by a nutritionist whom you should consult with your current diet plan.
Vitamin B12 is necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. They are only sourced through meat, and all non-meat eaters have to source them through supplements. A deficiency of the vitamin can cause life-altering diseases, which can be chronic. It is imperative to get a vitamin b12 test every time you switch diets and add sufficient supplements to ensure a good amount of B12 intake.